BSOD Bad Pool Header 4 times in 30 mins


New Member
I always had bad pool header issues since I got this laptop (ASUS K55N) earlier this year but decided to get help today since it happened 4 times in 30 minutes. I have been looking around and Kaspersky seems to be a common cause of this, not sure if that is the issue at hand here for me. I get bad pool header sometimes when viewing videos in fullscreen too. Attached are the minidump files and thank you in advance.
Hi Idonotno & Welcome to the forums ^_^,

I deeply apologize for the late response as we have been busy :(

I have analysed your dump files and yups, you are correct about the Kaspersky. Below has been provided an analysis of the latest dump file -
0: kd> k
Child-SP          RetAddr           Call Site
ffffd000`60a0f028 fffff802`ebaa0ced nt!KeBugCheckEx
ffffd000`60a0f030 fffff802`ebaa0a14 nt!ExFreePool+0x99
ffffd000`60a0f0b0 fffff800`43a83955 nt!ExFreePoolWithTag+0x744
ffffd000`60a0f180 fffff800`43401510 fwpkclnt!FwppInjectComplete+0x9d
ffffd000`60a0f1c0 fffff800`4385c7dc NETIO!NetioDereferenceNetBufferListChain+0x3e0
ffffd000`60a0f290 fffff800`438597f4 tcpip!IppReceiveHeaderBatch+0x40c
ffffd000`60a0f3c0 fffff800`43975fe4 tcpip!IppFlcReceivePacketsCore+0x6a9
ffffd000`60a0f740 fffff800`43a82efd tcpip!IppInspectInjectReceive+0x148
ffffd000`60a0f7a0 fffff802`eb8d79a6 fwpkclnt!FwppInjectionStackCallout+0xe5
ffffd000`60a0f830 fffff800`43a9462a nt!KeExpandKernelStackAndCalloutInternal+0xe6
ffffd000`60a0f920 fffff800`44011037 fwpkclnt!FwpsInjectTransportReceiveAsync0+0x2ea
ffffd000`60a0fa60 ffffe000`d535f010 [B][U]klwfp+[/U][/B]0x5037
ffffd000`60a0fa68 ffffe000`d8275370 0xffffe000`d535f010
ffffd000`60a0fa70 fffff800`443da500 0xffffe000`d8275370
ffffd000`60a0fa78 ffffe000`d8275370 [U][B]kneps+[/B][/U]0x22500
ffffd000`60a0fa80 ffffd000`60a00002 0xffffe000`d8275370
ffffd000`60a0fa88 ffffffff`00000001 0xffffd000`60a00002
ffffd000`60a0fa90 fffff800`00000003 0xffffffff`00000001
ffffd000`60a0fa98 fffff800`00000000 0xfffff800`00000003
ffffd000`60a0faa0 ffffe000`d84bedf0 0xfffff800`00000000
ffffd000`60a0faa8 fffff800`44010e98 0xffffe000`d84bedf0
ffffd000`60a0fab0 ffffe000`d8275370 [B][U]klwfp+[/U][/B]0x4e98
ffffd000`60a0fab8 ffffe000`d8805710 0xffffe000`d8275370
ffffd000`60a0fac0 fffff800`443da540 0xffffe000`d8805710
ffffd000`60a0fac8 fffff800`440111f2 [B][U]kneps+[/U][/B]0x22540
ffffd000`60a0fad0 00000000`00000000[U][B] klwfp[/B][/U]+0x51f2
The drivers highlighted in BOLD and Underline are the drivers of Kaspersky. I would suggest you to remove Kaspersky Antivirus using this **TOOL**.

Once this is done, make sure you turn on Windows Defender till the time you find an alternative.

Let me know how it goes ^_^