BSOD 0x00000124 [hal.dll] [ntoskrnl.exe]


New Member

Wondering having too much BlueScreen at my Windows 8.1 After Installing the New OS 8.1 Past ~about 1.5 Week a Ago .
I must add this statement which i even have BSOD during watiching Youtube forExample .. [No Heavy Process !!]

The Common Reason [watching BlueScreenView] is Hal.dll and ntoskrnl.exe .. 0x00000124
As i searched about these days it caused by drivers mostly but i do have most updated drivers

1 : [Run the Intel Update Program : Noting is needed to Update]
2 : Now im posting this , there is just a SM Bus Drivers
[Listed warning in Device Manager] outdated .. but i did update that before , but when i Did a Restore Point again Gone on a Warning Section ..
3 : Also Some Drivers Are OutDated Like The Picture Below .. I will Update them all

View attachment 58750

View attachment 58751

Specification :
MainBoard : Asus z87 - Deluxe
VGA : 2048MB ATI AMD Radeon HD 7800 Series (Sapphire/PCPartner)
RAM : 16.0GB Dual-Channel DDR3 @ 1001MHz
CPU : Intel Core i7 4770K @ 3.50GHz
OS : Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit

[In Searches i had it came a common problem in asusz87 and 4770 intel : isnt ? ]

The LOG is Uploaded and Attached ..
thanks for Response ..
hope it will be Ok
7: kd> .bugcheck
Bugcheck code 0000009F
Arguments 00000000`00000003 ffffe001`2639b470 ffffd000`c6daa960 ffffe001`28470bc0

7: kd> !devstack ffffe0012639b470
  !DevObj           !DrvObj            !DevExt           ObjectName
  ffffe00128c2f050  \Driver\pctNdisMP  ffffe00128c2f1a0  InfoMask field not found for _OBJECT_HEADER at ffffe00128c2f020

> ffffe0012639b470  \Driver\PnpManager 00000000  Cannot read info offset from nt!ObpInfoMaskToOffset

!DevNode ffffe0012639a010 :
  DeviceInst is "ROOT\S4E_PCTNDISMP\0005"
  ServiceName is "pctNdisMP"

7: kd> lmvm pctNdis64
start             end                 module name
fffff801`18c00000 fffff801`18c16000   pctNdis64 T (no symbols)           
    Loaded symbol image file: pctNdis64.sys
    Image path: \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\pctNdis64.sys
    Image name: pctNdis64.sys
    Timestamp:        Wed Jul 07 22:37:30 2010 (4C34F39A)
    CheckSum:         0001D422
    ImageSize:        00016000
    Translations:     0000.04b0 0000.04e4 0409.04b0 0409.04e4

Your PC Tools internet security driver is almost 5 years old, bound to cause problems.
I suggest you remove the internet security package altogether.

Descriptor    @ ffffe000be7f2138
Section       @ ffffe000be7f22c0
Offset        : 664
Length        : 264
Flags         : 0x00000000
Severity      : Fatal

Error         : DCACHEL0_WR_ERR (Proc 3 Bank 1)
  Status      : 0xbf80000000000124
  Address     : 0x00000001a8cb2a00
  Misc.       : 0x0000000000000086

   +0x000 McaErrorCode     : 0x124 [COLOR=#008000]// 0000 0001 0010 0100[/COLOR]

A generic write error on the level 0 cache of processor #3, memory bank 1.
This is consistent in this specific memory bank, menaing it's almost certainly a failing CPU.
If it's under warranty then now is the time to RMA it.
Hi xtra & Welcome to the forums ^_^,

I have analysed your dump files and below has been provided an analysis of the same for informative purposes :-

A driver has failed to complete a power IRP within a specific time.
7: kd> !irp ffffe00128470bc0
Irp is active with 3 stacks 2 is current (= 0xffffe00128470cd8)
 No Mdl: No System Buffer: Thread 00000000:  Irp stack trace.  
     cmd  flg cl Device   File     Completion-Context
 [  0, 0]   0  0 00000000 00000000 00000000-00000000    
   Args: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
>[ 16, 2]   0 e1 ffffe00128c2f050 00000000 fffff80035f8cb3c-ffffe00127a5c0d0 Success Error Cancel pending
        \Driver\[U][B]pctNdisMP[/B][/U] nt!PopSystemIrpCompletion
   Args: 00015400 00000000 00000005 00000003
 [  0, 0]   0  0 00000000 00000000 00000000-ffffe00127a5c0d0    
   Args: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
So, according to this dump file, the PC Tools Internet Security caused the IRP hang-up which caused the system to crash :( . Let's take a look at the other dump files -

A fatal hardware error has occurred.
3: kd> !errrec ffffe000be7f2028
Common Platform Error Record @ ffffe000be7f2028
Record Id     : 01d0567a53f2f66c
Severity      : Fatal (1)
Length        : 928
Creator       : Microsoft
Notify Type   : Machine Check Exception
Timestamp     : 3/4/2015 14:01:36 (UTC)
Flags         : 0x00000000
Section 0     : Processor Generic
Descriptor    @ ffffe000be7f20a8
Section       @ ffffe000be7f2180
Offset        : 344
Length        : 192
Flags         : 0x00000001 Primary
Severity      : Fatal
Proc. Type    : x86/x64
Instr. Set    : x64
[B][U]Error Type    : Cache error
Operation     : Generic
[/U][/B]Flags         : 0x00
Level         : 0
CPU Version   : 0x00000000000306c3
Processor ID  : 0x0000000000000003
Section 1     : x86/x64 Processor Specific
Descriptor    @ ffffe000be7f20f0
Section       @ ffffe000be7f2240
Offset        : 536
Length        : 128
Flags         : 0x00000000
Severity      : Fatal
Local APIC Id : 0x0000000000000003
CPU Id        : c3 06 03 00 00 08 10 03 - bf fb da 7f ff fb eb bf
                00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
                00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Proc. Info 0  @ ffffe000be7f2240
Section 2     : x86/x64 MCA
Descriptor    @ ffffe000be7f2138
Section       @ ffffe000be7f22c0
Offset        : 664
Length        : 264
Flags         : 0x00000000
Severity      : Fatal
[B][U]Error         : DCACHEL0_WR_ERR (Proc 3 Bank 1)
[/U][/B]  Status      : 0xbf80000000000124
  Address     : 0x00000001a8cb2a00
  Misc.       : 0x0000000000000086

According to this dump, it seems like the L0 Cache of the processor is facing difficulties in writing content to the cache. I checked other dumps as well and in them as well the L0 Cache is said to be having problems. Let's take a look at your 3rd party drivers below -
**************************Wed Mar  4 19:31:36.504 2015 (UTC + 5:30)**************************
kvnet.sys                    Wed Jul  7 13:19:57 2010 (4C3431A5)
pctNdis64.sys                Thu Jul  8 03:07:30 2010 (4C34F39A)
ElbyCDIO.sys                 Fri Dec 17 04:28:13 2010 (4D0A9985)
pctNdis-PacketFilter64.sys   Wed Jan 12 02:26:58 2011 (4D2CC41A)
pctgntdi64.sys               Mon Jan 17 00:19:12 2011 (4D333DA8)
pctplfw64.sys                Mon Jan 17 00:34:19 2011 (4D334133)
PxHlpa64.sys                 Mon Oct 17 19:59:34 2011 (4E9C3BCE)
WinFPdrv.sys                 Wed Nov 23 11:19:36 2011 (4ECC8970)
sptd.sys                     Sat Mar  3 22:15:52 2012 (4F524AC0)
GEARAspiWDM.sys              Fri May  4 01:26:17 2012 (4FA2E2E1)
btwl2cap.sys                 Thu Jul 26 20:44:41 2012 (50115EE1)
AsIO.sys                     Wed Aug 22 15:24:47 2012 (5034AC67)
Rt630x64.sys                 Fri May 10 15:29:08 2013 (518CC4EC)
IOMap64.sys                  Tue Jul  2 13:57:47 2013 (51D28F03)
intelppm.sys                 Thu Aug 22 14:16:35 2013 (5215CFEB)
TeeDriverx64.sys             Thu Sep  5 23:32:18 2013 (5228C72A)
RTKVHD64.sys                 Mon Oct  7 19:29:13 2013 (5252BE31)
bcbtums.sys                  Fri Oct 18 02:15:30 2013 (52604C6A)
asstor64.sys                 Mon Jan 27 15:00:34 2014 (52E6273A)
btwampfl.sys                 Fri Jan 31 00:42:31 2014 (52EAA41F)
btwavdt.sys                  Thu Mar 13 05:13:07 2014 (5320F10B)
btwaudio.sys                 Thu May  8 03:13:40 2014 (536AA90C)
AMDACPKSL.SYS                Sun Jun 22 08:01:43 2014 (53A6400F)
AtihdWB6.sys                 Sun Jun 22 08:02:00 2014 (53A64020)
bcmwl63a.sys                 Thu Sep  4 18:32:16 2014 (540862D8)
atikmpag.sys                 Tue Sep 16 03:29:06 2014 (5417612A)
atikmdag.sys                 Tue Sep 16 03:51:08 2014 (54176654)
idmwfp.sys                   Fri Nov 28 21:06:54 2014 (54789696)
WinFPdrv.sys - this driver hasn't been added to the DRT as of this run. Please search Google/Bing for the driver if additional information is needed.

Please perform the below steps -

  1. Please remove all of the ASUS Bloatware from the system as it is known to cause problems.
  2. Please remove PC Tools Security Software till the time we are troubleshooting. This **link** would be helpful in it's proper removal.
  3. Please remove Daemon Tools and the SPTD.sys as they are known to cause problems.
  4. If you are still facing problems, please start with Prime95 testing over **HERE** and report back if any problems arise or not.

Let me know how it goes ^_^

Thanks for answering me ...
i just have some Questions and also a misunderstanding

[First Must Say : i Deleted The PC Tools Firewall << it was a firewall , what do u suggest instead ? (i dont have a antivirus right now , just the defender by windows it self)
Second : i could delete the DAEMON , cause i didnt find it on the programs .. >> For unistaling i should go to **HERE** then Go to Removal tool at: DuplexSecure - Downloads ??? and install the EXE part ?

And my MisUnderstanding is this Part :
A generic write error on the level 0 cache of processor #3, memory bank 1.
This is consistent in this specific memory bank, menaing it's almost certainly a failing CPU.
If it's under warranty then now is the time to RMA it.

i must Return to the factory ? is this problem is a valuable fact to Replace the CPU or RAM >?

L0 Cache of the processor is facing difficulties in writing content to the cache

Whats the reason exactly ? Hardware problems ?
could it happen even the PC OLD is under 11 Months ?

AND Last is :
  1. Please remove all of the ASUS Bloatware from the system as it is known to cause problems.

i didnt get it clearly ? what are bloatwares ? mean the bultin drivers ?
or drivers cost Lots of RAM ?

If i faced to the BSOD again i would try stress test .. and post the details here .


7: kd> .bugcheck
Bugcheck code 0000009F
Arguments 00000000`00000003 ffffe001`2639b470 ffffd000`c6daa960 ffffe001`28470bc0

7: kd> !devstack ffffe0012639b470
  !DevObj           !DrvObj            !DevExt           ObjectName
  ffffe00128c2f050  \Driver\pctNdisMP  ffffe00128c2f1a0  InfoMask field not found for _OBJECT_HEADER at ffffe00128c2f020

> ffffe0012639b470  \Driver\PnpManager 00000000  Cannot read info offset from nt!ObpInfoMaskToOffset

!DevNode ffffe0012639a010 :
  DeviceInst is "ROOT\S4E_PCTNDISMP\0005"
  ServiceName is "pctNdisMP"

7: kd> lmvm pctNdis64
start             end                 module name
fffff801`18c00000 fffff801`18c16000   pctNdis64 T (no symbols)           
    Loaded symbol image file: pctNdis64.sys
    Image path: \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\pctNdis64.sys
    Image name: pctNdis64.sys
    Timestamp:        Wed Jul 07 22:37:30 2010 (4C34F39A)
    CheckSum:         0001D422
    ImageSize:        00016000
    Translations:     0000.04b0 0000.04e4 0409.04b0 0409.04e4

Your PC Tools internet security driver is almost 5 years old, bound to cause problems.
I suggest you remove the internet security package altogether.

Descriptor    @ ffffe000be7f2138
Section       @ ffffe000be7f22c0
Offset        : 664
Length        : 264
Flags         : 0x00000000
Severity      : Fatal

Error         : DCACHEL0_WR_ERR (Proc 3 Bank 1)
  Status      : 0xbf80000000000124
  Address     : 0x00000001a8cb2a00
  Misc.       : 0x0000000000000086

   +0x000 McaErrorCode     : 0x124 [COLOR=#008000]// 0000 0001 0010 0100[/COLOR]

A generic write error on the level 0 cache of processor #3, memory bank 1.
This is consistent in this specific memory bank, menaing it's almost certainly a failing CPU.
If it's under warranty then now is the time to RMA it.

Hi xtra & Welcome to the forums ^_^,

I have analysed your dump files and below has been provided an analysis of the same for informative purposes :-

A driver has failed to complete a power IRP within a specific time.
7: kd> !irp ffffe00128470bc0
Irp is active with 3 stacks 2 is current (= 0xffffe00128470cd8)
 No Mdl: No System Buffer: Thread 00000000:  Irp stack trace.  
     cmd  flg cl Device   File     Completion-Context
 [  0, 0]   0  0 00000000 00000000 00000000-00000000    
   Args: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
>[ 16, 2]   0 e1 ffffe00128c2f050 00000000 fffff80035f8cb3c-ffffe00127a5c0d0 Success Error Cancel pending
        \Driver\[U][B]pctNdisMP[/B][/U] nt!PopSystemIrpCompletion
   Args: 00015400 00000000 00000005 00000003
 [  0, 0]   0  0 00000000 00000000 00000000-ffffe00127a5c0d0    
   Args: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
So, according to this dump file, the PC Tools Internet Security caused the IRP hang-up which caused the system to crash :( . Let's take a look at the other dump files -

A fatal hardware error has occurred.
3: kd> !errrec ffffe000be7f2028
Common Platform Error Record @ ffffe000be7f2028
Record Id     : 01d0567a53f2f66c
Severity      : Fatal (1)
Length        : 928
Creator       : Microsoft
Notify Type   : Machine Check Exception
Timestamp     : 3/4/2015 14:01:36 (UTC)
Flags         : 0x00000000
Section 0     : Processor Generic
Descriptor    @ ffffe000be7f20a8
Section       @ ffffe000be7f2180
Offset        : 344
Length        : 192
Flags         : 0x00000001 Primary
Severity      : Fatal
Proc. Type    : x86/x64
Instr. Set    : x64
[B][U]Error Type    : Cache error
Operation     : Generic
[/U][/B]Flags         : 0x00
Level         : 0
CPU Version   : 0x00000000000306c3
Processor ID  : 0x0000000000000003
Section 1     : x86/x64 Processor Specific
Descriptor    @ ffffe000be7f20f0
Section       @ ffffe000be7f2240
Offset        : 536
Length        : 128
Flags         : 0x00000000
Severity      : Fatal
Local APIC Id : 0x0000000000000003
CPU Id        : c3 06 03 00 00 08 10 03 - bf fb da 7f ff fb eb bf
                00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
                00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Proc. Info 0  @ ffffe000be7f2240
Section 2     : x86/x64 MCA
Descriptor    @ ffffe000be7f2138
Section       @ ffffe000be7f22c0
Offset        : 664
Length        : 264
Flags         : 0x00000000
Severity      : Fatal
[B][U]Error         : DCACHEL0_WR_ERR (Proc 3 Bank 1)
[/U][/B]  Status      : 0xbf80000000000124
  Address     : 0x00000001a8cb2a00
  Misc.       : 0x0000000000000086

According to this dump, it seems like the L0 Cache of the processor is facing difficulties in writing content to the cache. I checked other dumps as well and in them as well the L0 Cache is said to be having problems. Let's take a look at your 3rd party drivers below -
**************************Wed Mar  4 19:31:36.504 2015 (UTC + 5:30)**************************
kvnet.sys                    Wed Jul  7 13:19:57 2010 (4C3431A5)
pctNdis64.sys                Thu Jul  8 03:07:30 2010 (4C34F39A)
ElbyCDIO.sys                 Fri Dec 17 04:28:13 2010 (4D0A9985)
pctNdis-PacketFilter64.sys   Wed Jan 12 02:26:58 2011 (4D2CC41A)
pctgntdi64.sys               Mon Jan 17 00:19:12 2011 (4D333DA8)
pctplfw64.sys                Mon Jan 17 00:34:19 2011 (4D334133)
PxHlpa64.sys                 Mon Oct 17 19:59:34 2011 (4E9C3BCE)
WinFPdrv.sys                 Wed Nov 23 11:19:36 2011 (4ECC8970)
sptd.sys                     Sat Mar  3 22:15:52 2012 (4F524AC0)
GEARAspiWDM.sys              Fri May  4 01:26:17 2012 (4FA2E2E1)
btwl2cap.sys                 Thu Jul 26 20:44:41 2012 (50115EE1)
AsIO.sys                     Wed Aug 22 15:24:47 2012 (5034AC67)
Rt630x64.sys                 Fri May 10 15:29:08 2013 (518CC4EC)
IOMap64.sys                  Tue Jul  2 13:57:47 2013 (51D28F03)
intelppm.sys                 Thu Aug 22 14:16:35 2013 (5215CFEB)
TeeDriverx64.sys             Thu Sep  5 23:32:18 2013 (5228C72A)
RTKVHD64.sys                 Mon Oct  7 19:29:13 2013 (5252BE31)
bcbtums.sys                  Fri Oct 18 02:15:30 2013 (52604C6A)
asstor64.sys                 Mon Jan 27 15:00:34 2014 (52E6273A)
btwampfl.sys                 Fri Jan 31 00:42:31 2014 (52EAA41F)
btwavdt.sys                  Thu Mar 13 05:13:07 2014 (5320F10B)
btwaudio.sys                 Thu May  8 03:13:40 2014 (536AA90C)
AMDACPKSL.SYS                Sun Jun 22 08:01:43 2014 (53A6400F)
AtihdWB6.sys                 Sun Jun 22 08:02:00 2014 (53A64020)
bcmwl63a.sys                 Thu Sep  4 18:32:16 2014 (540862D8)
atikmpag.sys                 Tue Sep 16 03:29:06 2014 (5417612A)
atikmdag.sys                 Tue Sep 16 03:51:08 2014 (54176654)
idmwfp.sys                   Fri Nov 28 21:06:54 2014 (54789696)
WinFPdrv.sys - this driver hasn't been added to the DRT as of this run. Please search Google/Bing for the driver if additional information is needed.

Please perform the below steps -

  1. Please remove all of the ASUS Bloatware from the system as it is known to cause problems.
  2. Please remove PC Tools Security Software till the time we are troubleshooting. This **link** would be helpful in it's proper removal.
  3. Please remove Daemon Tools and the SPTD.sys as they are known to cause problems.
  4. If you are still facing problems, please start with Prime95 testing over **HERE** and report back if any problems arise or not.

Let me know how it goes ^_^

For Daemon tools, yes. You should do that.
There is a HW error. You said it yourself that the PC is only 11 m.o. so it should be under warranty. RMA it then.
Bloatware is unnecessary software that is put there by the manufacturer or installed with something else.
Asus PCProbe Utility and ASUS Kernel Mode Driver Asus Smart Doctor/iTracker 2 Asus GPU Tweak