Black screen on boot, mouse and keyboard turn off and on


New Member
When doing a cold boot, the fans and everything come on, but there is no output to the screen, and the keyboard and mouse turn on and off repeatedly. There is a pattern to it: both come on, both turn off then on again, mouse alone turns off and on again, then both stay on.

Running Windows 8.1 x64, already wiped and reinstalled OS once. This fixed the issue for a couple weeks but now its back again.

Any idea what this could be?

Edit: There is no POST, no beeps (though I'm not sure my motherboard has a speaker at all). If I insert a boot disk like the Windows install disk, it picks it up and starts normally. I'm assuming Windows 8 suppresses the normal POST?
So by the way it sounds, if you use a boot disk you get output to the screen and everything? It will boot from the bootdisk?

It sounds like you are having OS corruption issues. I wonder if you dont have a failing hard drive.

Download Falcon Four BootCD from here

Burn that to a CD or create a bootable USB using Rufus. Download here

Boot from that. There are programs on there that will do an offline disk check. See if they come up with anything.
Well last time this happened I used a new drive I had laying around. I do leave my computer on standby when I'm not using it. Maybe if it lost power while sitting on standby...
Its possible that you may have a virus, but it isnt real likely. Viruses, unless their only point is to annoy the hell out of you, typically wouldnt do this. If you want to check to be sure, I think that BootCD has an offline virus scanner in it.

If not, download Comodo Rescue Disk and burn it to a CD/DVD. Not sure why, but it doesnt like to work when made as a bootable USB.