BF4 extreme lag w/ gtx 750 ti


New Member
I have had 60-90 fps on high settings with this game. No idea what I did, but now with the SAME settings ingame and drivers, I get up to 15 fps. I did check for later drivers and checked for background services. I scanned for viruses and yet haven't found an answer. Temperatures are around 30-40 celcius idle for both CPU and GPU. While in game, CPU is 50% used and RAM is 4/12GB used. Temperatures in game never exceeds 65 celcius. What could be the problem?
Gigabyte 750 ti not overclocked
FX 6300 3.5GHz not overclocked
1TB 7200 RPM
Win 8.1 Pro (never had problems since upgraded)
I will also note that other games like GTA or CSGO or Minecraft runs at normal performance.
BF4 is the problem. It is hit and miss at times. They have a patch coming soon, hopefully that fixes things.
That is not a bad cpu. Should OC it to 4GHZ, it will help. BF4 is the problem. Try medium settings in game.