Alexa rank toolbar problem in Mozilla Firefox


New Member
Please check image here View image: alexa rank problem

Mine alexa toolbar was working fine and suddenly, it stopped working 1-2 months before. You can see red circle at above image. Alexa rank is now displaying rank number instead left-right arrows.

1. Today I uninstall Mozilla and reinstalled but Alexa rank toolbar was not uninstalled and came back automatically.
2. Then I uninstalled Mozilla again and also run CCCleaner to remove any junk files, restarted PC and then reinstalled Mozilla again (changed default installation file folder name to make sure 100% new installation). This time Mozilla was newly installed and did not show Alexa toolbar. But when I installed Alexa toolbar (from Alexa website), then again instead of displaying alexa rank of website same "thing" is showing which you can see in above image. :mad:

How to fix this? I have uninstalled Mozilla 2 times and in last attempt there was 100% fresh Mozilla installation and Alexa toolbar is also new.

It looks there are some files somewhere those also need to delete related to Alexa toolbar to make fresh installation?

I use Mozilla browser in routine and I have to open website in Google Chrome to check alexa rank.

Please help me how to fix this?

