Moving Windows 8.1 primary partition to the left


New Member
I am going to move my primary Windows 8.1 partition to the left where I have opened up some free space in order to eventually extend the partition and increase the amount of space Windows 8.1 can use. The partition boot code will remain in the same place as before relative to the partition itself. Will I have any problems booting into Windows 8.1 after I do this ? Essentially the question is whether or not Windows 8.1 hardcodes its physical position on my disk drive anywhere and therefore whether changing the physical position will cause any problems when booting Windows 8.1 after I move the partition to the left on my hard drive. The partition itself is a primary partition on an MBR drive, but the logical order of the partitions on the drive will not change after the move. I can do the move with GParted Live or Bootit BM easily enough, so the question has nothing to do with the actual tool to do the move but rather with any effect it has on Windows 8.1 itself successfully booting after the move.

My Computer

System One

  • OS
    Windows 7
You can expand the partition to the left (or Right) to use available unallocated free space without issue...
If you where to move the partition to the left or right of another partition then you would have an issue

My Computer

System One

  • OS
    Windows 3.1 > Windows 10
    Computer type
    System Manufacturer/Model
    Dell XPS 8700
    24 GB