winrar 5.10 beta 4 on windows 8.1 update 1


New Member
hi,i tried to install winrar 5.10 beta 4 on windows 8.1 update 1 and i received a meessage from windows:this sofware can not be installed on this the company from the software.anyone can help?
Elementary my dear watson.i know but the message is real

What vrosa meant is that it's possible you were trying to install a 64 bit app on a 32 bit system.

Since you only show Windows 7 as your OS and haven't given full system specs, we can only guess at the cause of your problem.

If you would, please go back to your profile and fill in every blank you can about what your system consists of. That way, when someone tries to help you, they don't have to guess at what they're talking about.