Running Windows 8.1 on Dell XPS bot last fall. Have been running Windows Firewall and Window Defender from the beginning.
Last week, "Solve PC Issues" notifications on bottom bar indicated Windows Defender turned off. Clicked the "Turn On Now" button. Got following pop-up message:
I never ran another anti virus program on this computer. None are listed among programs for deletion (maybe one came with, but I don't see it and never activated it). I did not ever turn off Defender. I do have the Spybot free program installed, but that has been on since beginning of February with no problems, and I think it only runs manually when I do a scan (it is more anti-malware I think, not full always running anti-virus).
Suggestions? Help? (Please). Thanks, Lazlo
Running Windows 8.1 on Dell XPS bot last fall. Have been running Windows Firewall and Window Defender from the beginning.
Last week, "Solve PC Issues" notifications on bottom bar indicated Windows Defender turned off. Clicked the "Turn On Now" button. Got following pop-up message:
An error has occurred in the program during
initialization. If this problem continues please
contact your administrator. Error code 0x80073b01
Went to control panel > system and security > action center. Same message in notifications. Clicked "Turn on Now" from there - same result. Also tried to turn on as administrator (I am the moron administrator). Same result.initialization. If this problem continues please
contact your administrator. Error code 0x80073b01
I never ran another anti virus program on this computer. None are listed among programs for deletion (maybe one came with, but I don't see it and never activated it). I did not ever turn off Defender. I do have the Spybot free program installed, but that has been on since beginning of February with no problems, and I think it only runs manually when I do a scan (it is more anti-malware I think, not full always running anti-virus).
Suggestions? Help? (Please). Thanks, Lazlo