I've tested RS mod. The version I got is 1.99 beta. I don't know if we can get the 2.00 from somewhere...
But, very nice one!
EDIT: It doesn't look exactly to the previews (the buildings, maybe version 2...) I see on their site or youtube, wonder what's missing... but the screensize and units are good. Checking the manual...
EDIT2: It's OK: this is how 1.99 beta looks like.
The settings to my RA2MD.ini were maxing the resolution to my own screen and were applied before the mod:
Npatch indeed... that's good news then: I tested with Npatch Automn Edition (NPAE) since I find if faster than NPSE and also used in ZH mod without issues. Before Npatch, you need Yuri version 1.001 as usual.
Fix the resolution in INI then look for what Npatch do you have.
Npatch needs to be downloaded separately since the mod installer doesn't provide it.
NPAE is tested and works.
As you can see here, 1366x768 just as in the RA2MD.INI and it works, no other files were modified.
I've seen all sides now, including NEXUS.
1.99 seems pretty stable.
This was tested inside VirtualBox, XP SP3 here on Win8 x64 host.
On the host, the compatibility settings I posted in one of the first posts still apply here and the game runs.
I use exactly the same copy I tested in XP first (zipped -> extracted: old games like this one may pose problems when installing from scratch on W8, long story but it's wise to backup the game's registry settings once installed and you won't need pure re-installs again, just apply the settings and make sure file/folder paths are OK).
I think you should get NPAE and put it in place before starting up the mod. Worked from the first time here.
I have the CD but I'm unable use it: the 15-inch laptop doesn't have a CD drive anymore because I installed a second HDD. Win8 can mount ISO's so making an ISO of the cd should work. I used the Yuri ZH modded version I had, cleaned it up and set it ready for RS, all good.
So: if you are able to run the game without a CD (I do now), then a No-cd is applied to one of the executables (Npatch one for instance) but that patch it's not provided by the mod itself.
Good luck