Windows 8.1 upgrade causing multiple problems


New Member
After upgrading from Win 8 to 8.1 my computer has become almost unusable. It freezes, can't maintain connections in Internet Explorer, has thousands of event errors, takes several MINUTES to start, and now causes the PSU to shut down during start. I does this with 3 different PSU's. I also can't use secure boot anymore. When I look up event error fixes, microsoft wants me to make registry changes, uninstall and re-install programs, and do other risky things that I'm just not qualified to do. However, if I can get some guidance from someone more knowledgible, I'll try it. I'm just afraid of really screwing things up beyond repair. It took me forever to get windows 8 installed, and I thought 8.1 would be better. Instead, it's become a nightmare. If anyone can help, I'd really be grateful. Thanks
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Hi there Testla and welcome to Eight Forums,

wow...that sounds like really annoying for you. Sorry to hear. Let me see if I can help you out.

Considering all the issues you are describing I recommand a full refresh of you system. It's the fastest and most easiest. As well as the highest change for succes.

In this tutorial it gets explained how to do a refresh.

Please try one and post back your results.

Good luck with it!


Thanks for your reply and assistance. I will try your suggestion of a refresh, but it may take a while for me to remember how I got it installed in the first place. I have a 64bit system with UEFI and I'm pretty sure I had to make and ISO copy. I don't even know if I have a local or Microsoft account, or even how to find out. Obviously, I don't have a lot of experience with this, so it may be a while before I can post results. I have a lot reading to do before I try. Again, thank you for offering your assistance . This sounds like it may be the answer.
is it a laptop or desktop? and was it an oem copy of windows or retail? also can you get into safemode by hitting f8 at start up? it may be you just need some updated drivers for 8.1. also sorry for my horrible sentence structure lol. EDIT is it the rig in your system specs?
It is a PC with an Asus M5A97 UEFI motherboard which is hooked up to a flatscreen TV and used as my main home system. I bought the windows 8 system builder disk in 64bit and had quite a time getting it installed with UEFI. I haven't checked on the safe mode thing yet, but will try it and get back to you. Thanks for your interest and help.
Thanks for your reply and assistance. I will try your suggestion of a refresh, but it may take a while for me to remember how I got it installed in the first place. I have a 64bit system with UEFI and I'm pretty sure I had to make and ISO copy. I don't even know if I have a local or Microsoft account, or even how to find out. Obviously, I don't have a lot of experience with this, so it may be a while before I can post results. I have a lot reading to do before I try. Again, thank you for offering your assistance . This sounds like it may be the answer.

You are welcome Testla! You know that the beautiful thing about Windows 8(.1) is that you can do a repair/reinstall without the need for a DVD disc. It's all in that tutorial :).
Ok, In reading the tutorial about refreshing, I get bogged down on the simplest things. First how do I "sign in" as administrator? I am listed as administrator, but don't know how to sign in as one. While I was searching to find out, I discovered an article that said that window 8.1 upgrade will automatically sign you up with a Microsoft account instead of a local one and although their method didn't work for me, (I can't get the charms panel to come out with a mouse-I finally got it with win+c on keyboard) I did manage to get it changed to local. Since I had to convert my Windows 8 DVD to an ISO file to install it, I decided to go that way. Unfortunately. I found I made two ISO discs-one that said ISO (but appears to be blank) and one that's labeled as a "bootable ISO file" I went ahead and copied that to a folder on my desktop, but I'm wondering if that will work since it's going to be installed while the system is already booted up. I'm afraid the bootable part may screw things up. Do you think the regular Windows 8 disc would be better? I really can't remember how I got this installed. Since it was a UEFI system (before 8.1). I remember that I had to format my drive to an unusual type and convert my DVD to an ISO file. When I checked to format type, it now says NTFS. So, maybe the Windows 8 DVD will work. What would you do?
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Well I'm finally back after several of the most frustrating days of my life. The refresh was NOT that simple. First, my version is the called "system builder" on Amazon, but evidently not called that by Microsoft. It will NOT allow you to save anything and tells you so. I backed everything up on another drive and also a thumb drive. When it came back on, I had nothing but a blue screen with nothing on it. I could not see anything at the bottom because the screen resolution needed adjusting and I couldn't get to it. Finally, I somehow got it with the keyboard. Still, all my apps were gone and all attempts to add my saved files back in failed. Over several days and many hours I downloaded new apps and programs all over again, but still lost everything that was in the original programs--some representing years of accumulated work. I believe I still have them on my saved files, but can't get them to activate in the new system. I also lost all sound and despite much internet searching, reinstalling drivers and updates, disabling and re-enabling windows drivers, I don't have any sound. Windows says I do, and has a graph dancing up and down with the sound. It shows two devices activated and 5 others with arrows pointed down even after disabling and re-enabling them. It claims all are working, but still no sound.
Since I made a recovery USB as well as set a restore point before the refresh, I'm thinking about restoring to a point before the refresh. The problem is that the system does seem to be more stable now than it was, and even IE works well now. I just need sound and my old files back. If I could just figure out how to save my files in a way that can be reintroduced to a refreshed system. Maybe someone who has had this problem can help. Right now I'm more down on Win 8.1 than ever and my worst fears about doing a refresh came true. I view Windows 8.1 as Vista on steroids, and I threw that in the trash a month after I bought it. The worst is that once Win 8 is installed, you are stuck with it.