Solved Windows 8.1 Update Error 0xC1900101-0x40017 on Dell XPS 18


New Member
I have a Dell XPS 18 portable all-in-one machine that came with Windows 8, then I updated it to Windows 8.1 without any problems. It caught a nasty virus and I had to restore it to factory settings, which leaves me back at Windows 8.

I have tried multiple times to install the Windows 8.1 update through the Microsoft Store but keep getting Error Code 0xC1900101-0x40017. I have tried the following but get the same result;

  • Ran all of Windows Updates that would come up
  • Verified that all drivers were up to date. Note: my video driver is NOT a Nvidia but an Intel. I've seen posts stating that this driver needs to be updated in order to fix the problem.
  • Ran Selective Start Up

I don't know what else to do at this point because I have not been able to find anything online related to my problem. Please advise if you have any suggestions. Thanks!

FYI: Antivirus running is Avast!
I ended up calling Microsoft and they were able to guide me through some steps and we were able to fix the issue with the update. I wanted to post these steps in case anyone else is having the same problem.

  • Run sfc /scannow
  • Check for Windows Updates
  • Open Device Manager and update the Network Driver
  • Run all updates in the Windows Store
  • Run Windows Update again
  • Run Disk Cleanup
  • Uninstall Antivirus software
  • Delete all Temp files
  • Run "Prefetch" in the command bar and select all, then delete all
  • Restart the computer
  • Run the Windows 8.1 Update again.

Once you do all of these and then run Windows 8.1 update, your screen will come to a point where you can see the User ID and the wheel spinning. I thought that the update got stuck but is was still running. This can take a little while (est. 1-3 hrs.) to complete, so be patient and once it's done, you'll have Windows 8.1 on your computer in no time.
Thanks man this work for me but avast is an other issues try to uninstall it before update your windows 8.1 from window 8
Windows 8.1 Update Error 0xC1900101-0x40017

Tried what Microsoft requested to Palarin and it worked the very first time I tried it.

  • Run sfc /scannow
  • Check for Windows Updates
  • Open Device Manager and update the Network Driver
  • Run all updates in the Windows Store
  • Run Windows Update again
  • Run Disk Cleanup (before restart)
  • Uninstall Antivirus software
  • Delete all Temp files
  • Run "Prefetch" in the command bar and select all, then delete all
  • Restart the computer
  • Run the Windows 8.1 Update again.

The only thing I did different was I ran disk cleanup last before restart

Thank you
Many Thanks to Palarin, It worked me with the steps you mentioned.
Initially I got error when upgrading to 8.1 "0xC1900101 - 0x4000D" , I tried around 8 times since 2014 Oct. the first culprit is to uninstall antivirus if other than microsoft defender. Then I got error "0xC1900101 - 0x40017", I followed your steps it worked well.