Windows 8.1 Samsung Evo 850 crashes 0xc0000001 unsigned


New Member
Attached is a speccy hardware list. When I set bootup option disable unsigned device drivers, the system crashes with error 0xc0000001 upon bootup. It keeps crashing till I boot up from install disk, get to command prompt and run a bcdboot /s command. I assume it clears the unsigned enforcement setting.

I've tried this in AHCI and IDE modes with same result.
It's not the MOBO, unless it's a quirk of MSI because both are MSI. The other MOBO is an 790XT-G45. They run just fine with digital enforcement turned off and booting from the conventional HDDs so it appears to be something going on with the EVO trying to boot w/o digital enforcement. As a result, I cannot install anything unsigned when booted to the EVO. Any thoughts, peanut shells, banana skins? Thanks

Update: Installed W10 to another partition. Booted up with signing off, system booted and ran ~5 minutes, then BSOD 0xc01. Then all subsequent boots result in BSOD right after OS selection. It doesn't matter which OS selected. I'm looking at BIOS for updates.


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