Solved Windows 8.1 Recovery - Could not find recovery environment


New Member
Hello dear friends,

I believe that I have some serious problems in my laptop. I will list some of them, and I hope that maybe someone can help me out because I'm getting crazy with these issues!

1. I cannot use recover options in Windows 8.1 because it says "Could not find recovery environment".

2. When I go to Advanced Start up, under Recovery menu, it does not show Troubleshoot option.

3. When I try to Create a Recovery drive, it says "We can't create a recovery drive on this PC".

4. When I try to enable/disable "reagentc" in CMD, it says "Operation Failed:3".

5. I cannot access in Bios, since I bought the laptop, and therefore I cannot re install a fresh copy of windows with my flash drive.

Basically, I'm stuck.

Hope someone can help me!
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Have you made the OEM manufacturer's Recovery Disks?

information   Information

We always assume you have made your Recovery Disks using the OEM manufacturer's Recovery Media Creator app the first day you had your new PC.
& made the Startup Repair CD. (Windows 8 only) (Windows 8 only)

I would recommend you making the OEM manufacturer's Recovery DVD's or USB drive.
You can order the Microsoft official OEM Recovery disks from the OEM manufacturer's website.

Did you upgrade from Windows 8 to Windows 8.1?
Thank you for your reply!

I did not upgrade from Windows 8 to Windows 8.1, when I bought it, was upgraded already.

I once used Remove Everything and Re install Windows, and it worked. But now, non of these options work. I don't know what happened. I believe that for all problems mentioned above exists one common problem, but unfortunately I don't know which.
Try running Reset from OEM Recovery USB/DVD, or from the OEM tools.
How to do a Reset:

OEM Recovery 001 theog.PNG
ok. This is exactly the same problem that I helped this gentleman last week. You need to open the Admin Command prompt
  1. Type: diskpart
  2. Type: Select disk 0
  3. Type list partition
And look for the partition with "Recovery" label, Take a note of the size of the partition then follow the instruction from this post:

None of my partitions is named "Recovery" (see pictures that I posted above)...
And, before I came here to ask for help, I have searched in this forum, but nothing helped me out, including your link.
I don't see the other commands topgundcp told you to run in the previous post he linked to.

They have your named OEM instead of Recovery.
Afraid of that, you may have buggered up your recovery. At this point I would try to assign 6 as your recovery and see what happens.