Windows 8.1: Most Metro Apps crash immediately at launch

I have an administrator account and another account (I'm the only user so will delete all but admin acct). It is just a home desktop. My admin account has the issue of any Metro app minimizing after 5-10 seconds, but the other account is able to access them, but I can't log into the Store because the admin account already is set up with a Microsoft account. How can I switch the account to both windows accounts?.

I'm thinking I could just make the "non-admin" account an Administrator account and delete the other one.
same issue. It's so frustrating!
after running troubleshoot, this is what I got:-
Screenshot (228).png

please help!
Upgrade to Windows 10 to avoid those problem. I have pressed reset 10 times, and Windows Apps are still working fine. I think Windows Vista and 8/8.1 are the failure OS, correct?