Solved Windows 8.1: How to remove option

Inside Out

New Member
Hello guys.
Yesterday I installed Windows 8.1 on my computer on wrong partition. After I realized that I put installation DVD one again in DVD drive and in installation menu I formatted partition on which I installed OS and quit installation. After that I installed Windows on right partition.

Right now, after I turn on my computer, Windows says to me

When I pick Windows 8.1 on volume 2 Windows says to me:



and if I choose Windows 8.1 I can use Windows 8.1

Please answer to me what to do to remove option to select OS.
So you only have a single Windows 8.1 OS but you have fooled your computer into thinking there are two boot options and the system is asking which one you want to boot from. To get rid of this type "msconfig" (no quotes) in the run dialogue box and hit Enter key. On the "Boot" tab you should see two entries in the window ("Windows 8.1 on Volume 1" and "Windows 8.1 on Volume 2"). Highlight the text of the one you do not want to appear and delete it leaving only one line of text as your boot option. Be careful you check first as to which is the correct option to delete. Delete the wrong one and you will not be able to boot at all. Click on OK and then reboot. You should not see the prompt again and the system should boot normally.