which is the best avast anti virus paid version?


i am planning to purchase an avast anti virus so please suggest me which is the best avast version? avast premier or avast anti virus or avast 7 etc......
regards all friends
Hi quickslvr,

I have no experience with the paid version; however, I do have a great deal of experience with their free versions, and I can tell you that the free version provides adequate protection for most individuals. I have been using the free version since Avast 4 (or maybe even earlier) and I have never been infected. The beauty of Avast is you get the warnings "before" a website can infect your PC (it blocks the download and warns you to leave the website). Right now, I'm running on the newly released Avast 8.0.1482 and it is running without issue on both of my rigs. Now, if you are interested in their paid versions, I would strongly suggest you visit their forums and browse for problems because I really don't think they have worked all of the kinks out of them yet.
thanks you norepli for a great suggestion....i will look to forum as u said,
Hi quickslvr,

I have no experience with the paid version; however, I do have a great deal of experience with their free versions, and I can tell you that the free version provides adequate protection for most individuals. I have been using the free version since Avast 4 (or maybe even earlier) and I have never been infected. The beauty of Avast is you get the warnings "before" a website can infect your PC (it blocks the download and warns you to leave the website). Right now, I'm running on the newly released Avast 8.0.1482 and it is running without issue on both of my rigs. Now, if you are interested in their paid versions, I would strongly suggest you visit their forums and browse for problems because I really don't think they have worked all of the kinks out of them yet.