HippsieGypsie said:
Thanks for the link. I often wondered where that term came from. Are you Jonesing now?
I think the term means keeping up with the Joneses. The younger baby boomers hit the job market when economy started contracting from the post war boom. The older boomers had an easier time getting started, for example my older siblings. Too young for Vietnam and too old for Generation X. And I never had to register for Selective Service...
First and foremost -> Thank you for serving, Tully! Our hats off to you!
skallal, just kidding on my question of Jonesing.

We referred to it as a hangover for some reason or other. I'm not sure. Yes, it does mean a certain age group. I'm between the ages of you and Tully. Born in 51.
You guys are bringing back memories. I graduated on June 1, 1969. I turned 18 on the 29th. I had to register, I was classified what they called back then as 1A, go downtown Chicago to get my physical with a train ticket the military bought, pulled the number 154 in early July of the lottery they had going for a few years, and waited around for my papers for boot camp. They went as high as 300-something in the previous year's lottery. So far as I was concerned at the time I was going to Nam.
Remember, this is the height of the Viet Nam war! Kinda' scary at 18 and fresh out of high school. I hung with older friends in which one returned from Nam wounded for life. He had told me what was going on there. I have met others through the years. All roughly my age. Believe me, war is never a pretty thing. I'm sure Tully can attest to that.
Anywho, it turned out that they went to number 135 that year in late December and met their quota. I never did have to go. Whew! That was close! Needless to say, 154 has been my lucky number since. Did I want to serve my country? Obviously yes since I was waiting and willing to go, but personally, not in that war. What a joke it all turned out to be! Not to state that to dishonor those that did serve. I hold that in high regards.