Which age category do you fall in?

Which age bracket do you fall in?

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God damn! No wonder I find the forum members here so damn smart. With over half 50 and above, there is a LOT of experience in this site. I am turning 60 in August, and have been voluntarily retired since I was 51 (I don't have to, I don't want to, and they can't make me!)
Maybe the younger members don't want to show us their age what with their relative youth and inexperience (Ronald Reagan).
Perhaps all this senior members tags are really SENIOR members!
John? You have to remember it was OUR generation that home computers first appeared. These younger members were the video game to computers generation. After the Atari 2600/Colecovision, they are the Atari 5200 and beyond.
Well I'm nearly 69, my brain says younger but my body says older.:p
Past your golden into your rusty years are you?

I thought the young was supposed to be the most adaptive but here we are on the site to a beta program, creaking around. Here is a nasty thought: maybe the young'ns find installing and running Win8 a piece of cake and HAVE no questions. Nah, couldn't be...
Your right John, they can't be, showed Windows 8 to my teenage nephews and they said they didn't like it at all, and didn't even want to play the default games with Windows 8. BUT with the same token, their dad loved Windows 8.
I am 71 and suffer from CMS (Cant Remember Stuff). That's why I like new systems as I forget how the old stuff works so I just move on.:p

Jim :cool:
Well I'm nearly 69, my brain says younger but my body says older.:p
At 72 next July that about sums it up for me! Looked up "Body Wreckers" in the Yellow Pages, to try for some replacement parts, but they were fresh out!

Reminds me of a Jerry Lewis movie, where he had to rescue his girlfriend from a room filled with thugs. He looked in the mirror and saw his conscience looking back. The dialogue went like this:

Jerry: I can't go in there the've got coshes!
Conscience: You can get a cosh.
Jerry: They've got guns!
Conscience: You can get a gun.
Jerry: They've got muscles!
Conscience: You can get a gun! :busted:
Turning 36 this year. The dents and scratches on the ol' hide are no longer just skin deep. Sigh. Should probably stop rock climbing and stick with my band.

It's depressing to realise girls half my age are now legal.
Just recently turned 54, still have my hair, its a bit grey though.
If you can't stay young, you can at least stay immature. ;) :D

Plus we have Mennen's for men, it only targets the grey. :thumbsup:

I've toyed with that idea, but then I have to do my stash and beard too. At this point its a toss up as to whether there's more grey or original hair color. Actually I think there's more white hairs than grey. It is what it is, its not something that bothers me when I look in the mirror. My natural hair color is sort of a sandy blond so the grey and white doesn't stand out so much like it would if my hair was darker.
67. Almost no hair, on my head anyway. Brain still functions occasionally.

I see we have more choices than on SF.
Well for me, it is worth it, I have a young looking face, and got to stay young looking for the women out in the world.