What will happen to my windows installation if....


What will happen to my windows installation if I change the motherboard & CPU, will i lose my product key information.
This is an OEM setup. I do not have a hard copy of the Product Key, as it was pre-installed when bought.

Issue that occurred:
It asked to do a BIOS update, BIOS update was done after install PC would not show any video.

I have gone through all the steps of testing all components. It has come down to the Motherboard & CPU.

So again just wondering what would happen with the Windows Key if I was to change the motherboard and CPU?
Will this work for me where i can not get video through the on board/GPU of the motherboard.
If I connect the HDD that has the windows 8 installed on it will it pick it up?
Will this work for me where i can not get video through the on board/GPU of the motherboard.
If I connect the HDD that has the windows 8 installed on it will it pick it up?

If you put in a new Mother Board you will not have a Key embedded in the replacement Mother Board so you will have to Activate. This should work if the Mother Board is a replacement from the manufacture. Since you did not get a copy of your product key before losing Video you may have to buy another copy of window 8.1. Unless you can get you manufacture to give you a OEM Product key? Since you had a defective MB that might be worth while to look into.
Is the replacement motherboard the same make and model and from the manufacturer? Your current product code is embedded in your motherboards BIOS. Even if you knew what it was you can't use it on the new replacement motherboard. OEM is not transferable, especially embedded codes. If your new replacement motherboard is from that manufacturer it should have its own key in the BIOS. It should activate with that key, if it doesn't, the OEM can tell you how to activate with the new key. If the replacement motherboard is just an off the shelf motherboard purchased online, it will not have an embedded key. in that case you'll have to buy a new license/product code for your OS.
I spoke to the customer who's desktop it was, after having me look at I informed her of the issue and what may be the issue and what issues may arise.(blah blah) When replacing a board. After saying all that she then tells me it's under warranty so she will send it away.
why not just do that in the first place. I asked when she brought it to me "is it still under warranty" answer "No"
What ever, now I know if ever it comes up again.


I spoke to the customer who's desktop it was, after having me look at I informed her of the issue and what may be the issue and what issues may arise.(blah blah) When replacing a board. After saying all that she then tells me it's under warranty so she will send it away.
why not just do that in the first place. I asked when she brought it to me "is it still under warranty" answer "No"
What ever, now I know if ever it comes up again.



Well you still got your time for sorting out what the issues were?