I see no video sub-forum so I post in this general forum
I need to do something very simple, perhaps too simple
I just want to record continuous video using my laptop (ux301 with 8.1) inbuilt cam
A nice feature would be to adjust the resolution so I can (by trying) choose the quality vs the consumed disk space
another nice feature would be to playback in accelerated mode so I can skip non interesting parts but this could be possible with mpc-hc for example
The purpose is to learn about sparrow's behavior
Any help is most welcome!
I see no video sub-forum so I post in this general forum
I need to do something very simple, perhaps too simple
I just want to record continuous video using my laptop (ux301 with 8.1) inbuilt cam
A nice feature would be to adjust the resolution so I can (by trying) choose the quality vs the consumed disk space
another nice feature would be to playback in accelerated mode so I can skip non interesting parts but this could be possible with mpc-hc for example
The purpose is to learn about sparrow's behavior
Any help is most welcome!