Using RDP with a local keymap


New Member

At my last place of work I primarily used Debian; at my new workplace, I really need to use Windows 8 on my desktop; that in itself is not a problem. The problem I'm experiencing is that the native RDP client (remote desktop) will always use the server's local keymap - and I do not use a qwerty keyboard. My opinions on this aside, I appear to have two main options:

1) Find an alternative RDP client which uses the local keymap, as the Linux clients generally do.
2) Simply learn to use qwerty.

I've had to luck with option number one, so before I start the misery of number two, I thought I'd try a last-ditch attempt, and ask others.
My qwerty is passable, but nowhere near my dvorak speed, thankfully I don't really have a data entry role, so it's not going to cripple me. I'm still holding out hope. ;)