Solved user account cannot open windows store app in windows 8.1


New Member
I have 3 user accounts on my windows 8.1 laptop; 2 administrator types and 1 standard local account. While logged in using one of the admin user accounts or the local account, I can access the store app. However, when i log in using the other administrator account and try to access the store app, i just get the spinning circle and nothing happens. Is there something wrong with how one user account is set up that is causing the problem. I have tried some of the suggestions mentioned in threads for store app not working but nothing helps. Do I have to delete the user account and try re-establishing it. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Hello dh, and welcome to Eight Forums. :)

For now, you might see if going through the listed troubleshooting items in the tutorial below may be able to help. It sounds like the issue may be because you are signing in with a local account and not a Microsoft account. Local accounts cannot use apps that require a Microsoft service since that requires you to be signed in to a Microsoft account.

Apps and Tiles Not Working or Responding: Fix in Windows 8

Thanks for providing the troubleshooting items. I had tried most of them before I submitted my post. In the end, I just deleted the user account I was having trouble with and re-added it. Now I can access the store app.
Thanks for your response.