Urgent!! Task Manager Shows Nothing. Computer Shuts off


New Member
To my great surprise. my pc turns off due to over heat when nothing is in process i.e idle. it works fine and continuously without overheating and all but when i leave it untouched for 30-60 min. aftersome time computer display brightens up and fan start blowing temp rises too Tmax and it turns off. Task manager sometimes shows up high cpu usage but as soon as i touch the touchpad it goes away.and back to normal plz tell wht to do whts the diagnostics:think:
Are the vents free of dust and hair, especially any heat pipe radiator? Is there a process in Task Manager that also spike when this happens? Have you checked for virus and malware?
Are the vents free of dust and hair, especially any heat pipe radiator? Is there a process in Task Manager that also spike when this happens? Have you checked for virus and malware?

Ya it is clean from dust and hairs i also thought firstly that this might be the reason but if it is then why it is not showing high temperature when some work is been done why it shoots up only when pc is idle i managed to get the screenshot of task manager and temp monitor...and nothing like AV is creating problem
That System CPU usage is kind of high if not doing anything other than Task Manager. Could try restarting in Safe Mode and see how it acts. Would at least tell you if it is something going on when OS is fully loaded.
Safemode is a great diagnostics tool, it will separate almost all software issues, like spyware, backups, scheduled tasks when idle or running. If everything is calm and normal in safemode, then start hunting for software, more likely virus to cause such high impact.

If the computer still misbehaves then you have a system cooling issue, maybe a fan that is not stable and makes grinding or banging noises.

How old is the system, if youve always had cooling issues, you should visually inspect the capacitors around your processor for puffiness on top and signs of brown colored leakage on top.