Hey everyone! So last night something happened to my wireless NIC. No idea what, but connecting to anything is now agonizingly slow. I've also been having startup/crashing issues, and BSOD. I tried to Reset my PC just now, and I got an error message: "Unable to reset your PC. A required partition is missing. The laptop (an Asus X750JB) came preinstalled with Windows 8, and I upgraded to 8.1 back in August. I've fully updated Windows 8.1 and drivers, ran Eusing Registry Cleaner, AVG, and Malware Bytes. No malicious files were found. I've also reinstalled programs that tend to give me BSOD to no effect. Seems like the best thing I can do is reset my laptop to factory settings, but Windows 8.1 won't let me. Any ideas? Thanks!