Touchpad and fingerprint reader not working


web designer-developer
Hi all,
These two pieces of hardware have been working intermittently for the past several months but now have failed completely. Device manager recognizes them as on and working properly but neither of them detect anything, which makes me suspect a ribbon cable or something similar. Any leads on what could be causing this, or quick hardware possibilities to check? Thanks!
There is a ribbon cable connecting them to the motherboard but usually to reach it you have to first remove the keyboard and maybe the palmrest to see where it plugs in.
That's what I'm wondering caused the issue in the first place. I had my fan replaced and I've been having problems since then. The touchpad works most of the time, but the fingerprint reader is totally gone.
That's what I'm wondering caused the issue in the first place. I had my fan replaced and I've been having problems since then. The touchpad works most of the time, but the fingerprint reader is totally gone.
Based on that the answer is Yes, that could have happened as there's considerable disassembly needed to get to the fan.
To make sure you dont get charged for something that is not disconnected if you take it back to the repair shop, please download those drivers directly from the manufacturer and reinstall them.
If youre not sure what they are, try SLIMDRIVERS its a free program that will update old or missing drivers

Good luck