Must haves - (Once you have Windows 8 Setup)
ProductKeys (APP - FREE)
WinDirStat - (Grab from [Keep tabs of full directories space size,previously only a cmd line tool from MS]
ClassicShell - (Grab from to ease the learning curve of Windows 8 to give you a start menu)
Hello, KentC. Welcome to EightForums.
Thanks for posting your suggestions.
Would you please expound on "ProductKeys (APP - FREE)". I'm not sure what you mean.
I can't wait for those Ebay laptops to get here, man I need a home Windows 8 machine! Sorry... i got two on the way!
Back to the Product Keys App you get from the Windows Store. This is probably the biggest app development even though it's design is simple (I could of made it lol) it's very clean, comes from Microsoft, and helps you store VITAL product key information in a very simple WEB 2.0 format. I've already put this bad boy to work MANY times for my company. I love the simple ease this brings to the confusion. You can upgrade for 1.99 to the Skydrive Pro cloud redundancy option if you are the IT manager of your company if you see this as fit... I just locally store and screenshot our stuff and load it to the private cloud but Microsoft still sold me on the cheap offer to store on their colocations... hehe
Would you please expound on "WinDirStat". I'm not familiar with this utility. Is not "full directories space size" found in Disk Management? If so, which, in your opinion, is better for the information?
This is an amazing application any hacker or IT person trying to reclaim a ransacked production server would ABSOLUTELY need!
In unix, you can run commands like df and grep,etc and see what is currently in use,etc
WinDirStat is a disk usage statistics viewer and cleanup tool for various versions of Microsoft Windows.
In windows XP, you have to grab the utility cmd line tool from Microsoft to do the same commands this application does in GUI now. It's them helping us quickly manage our PC's for possibly unauthorized usage.
Would you want ClassicShell listed in "Setup/Personalization"? If so, which part of that thread segment? Would you please expound on how that's performed?
I have given this application to many as a "Windows 7.8" desktop program transition ease of use for those "slow" to learn how to use the new start GUI menu and charms menu located on the right corners of the OS. The new hot feature is Hot Corners. Which many are kinda new to, that application eases the Desktop flow for workplace needs till one learns how to use the Windows Apps Store and New Start Menu Gui and Searching for Apps via Charms Menu
Thanks again for posting and yet again, welcome. It's good to have you aboard.