Start Screen Apps - Organize into Groups

How to Organize Apps into Groups on Start Screen in Windows 8 and 8.1

information   Information
This tutorial will show you how to organize apps on your Start screen into groups of your choice in Windows 8, Windows RT, Windows 8.1, and Windows RT 8.1.

You will only be able to arrange apps in groups horizontally from left to right and not vertically on your Start screen.

Here's How:

1. Open your Start screen, and do any of the steps below that you would like to do.

2. To Create a New Group

A) Drag an app to where you would like to create a new group at until you see the vertical bar display like below, and drop it. (see screenshot below)
NOTE: The app can be dragged between other groups, or to the far left or right of other groups to create a new group there aligned to grid.​


B) If you like, you can do step 3 to move other apps into this new group.​

3. To Move an App to another Group

A) Drag an app from one group, and release it in the arrangement (step 4) you wanted it in another group.


B) Drag an app that you want to move to another group to the bottom of the screen to open Zoom view, drag the app over the group you want to move it to jump to that group, then release the app in the arrangement (step 4) you wanted it to be in for that group.​

4. To Change the Arrangement of Apps within a Group

A) You can drag the apps into any arrangement within a group, and release it to have the apps automatically align to grid within that group.​

5. To Change the Arrangement of Groups

A) Zoom out on the Start screen.

B) Click/press on a group and hold, drag the group to where you want it, and drop it for it to allign to grid with the other groups. (see screenshot below)
NOTE: The group can be dragged between other groups, or to the far left or right of other groups.


6. To Name or Rename a Group
7. To Make Windows Store Apps Tiles Smaller or Larger
NOTE: This is for only the "Metro" app tiles (colorful ones), and not any of the Windows 8 system files or installed program apps.

That's it,



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