Shrink the gigantic oversize fonts and empty spaces on website


New Member
This is a question about the site, not sure if in right forum. Is there a way to change the appearance to reduce the vast empty spaces and gigantic oversize fonts in the new design and make everything compact like it used to be? With fonts nearly a quarter-inch tall and colossal stetches of white space it's giving me headaches because my eyes have jump around so much and reading takes four times as long because everything's so far apart you're forced to constantly scroll and jump. For example the number of threads listed on the screen used to be 15 to 16 and now it's 10; similar for lines in each post.. It looks like a site for kindergarteners or a "large print" book for the visually impaired if you've ever seen one of those. I guess it would be a browser thing and I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction. Simply zooming out doesn't work because that just makes the fonts tiny and leaves the empty space.

list of threads 1 screenful 8.jpg

list of threads 1 screenful new.jpg

posts 1 screenful 7 old a.jpg

posts 1 screenful new.jpg
Thanks. Of the three customizations, the two on the right don't have anything to do with font size and empty space. The one on the left can effect a slight improvement, better than nothing for sure but things are still much too big.