MB purchase date 6/1/2010, old hardware
Evga SR-2
Two 6 core XEON CPUs Overclocked to 4446MHz, HT off, stopped here because WEI score was not increasing.
Memory 12 Gigs OCZ Gold 2000 10 10 10 30
Two Evga 680 4GB in SLI
Latest EVGA Video Card Drivers 310.61
3D settings at Maximum Performance
Using Precision X, set power target to 124%
Windows 8 Optimized for performance
Corsair SSD 180 GIG Force GT, Optimized
SSD using old Windows 7 driver, no Windows 8 Controller driver yet, so should go up to about 8.2.
Power Supply BFG 1200
Air Cooled with two Noctua D-14s
Home Made Lexan Tech Station
I got the same score with one 680 Video card as I did with two 680s in sli, no change in score
I got the same score at 12 x 4446 MHz as I did with about 12 x 4100 MHz, no change in score as I went up in overclock
Lots of nice rigs posted here.
I have YouTube videos with this system, they are running chess programs, old.
I am ready for another build.
Maybe 2 x 10 overclocked or 2 x 8 overclocked.
Windows 8 runs fine for me, no bugs so far.
Merry Christmas to all my Computer Geek friends and as for the normal people here---you have a good day too.