Solved Shortcut Keys (Win 8.1) don't work after restart


New Member
Portland, OR
Some shortcut keys work after restart and some do not. The items in the top list must be reassigned after each restart. The items in the bottom list still work after restart. Not much in existing forums about this. My keyboard seems to be fine, with the most updated drivers. Any other ideas?

:( These shortcuts DO NOT work after restart
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + 1 = cmd
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + 2 = regedit
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + 3 = msconfig
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + 4 = msinfo32
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + f5 = a particular OneDrive folder
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + f = Firefox
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + g = folder of all program tasks: {ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + l = latin language config window
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + h = a particular word document
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + m = Microsoft Xbox Music app
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + v= Microsoft Xbox Video app
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + k = camera app
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + end = Advanced Startup (BIOS) [UEFI]

:D But these shortcuts DO work after restart

  • Ctrl + Alt + a = Microsoft Access
  • Ctrl + Alt + e = Microsoft Excel
  • Ctrl + Alt + n = Microsoft OneNote
  • Ctrl + Alt + o = Microsoft Outlook
  • Ctrl + Alt + p = Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Ctrl + Alt + u = Microsoft Publisher
  • Ctrl + Alt + w = Microsoft Word
How to set shortcut keys

You can set the shortcut keys by:
  1. right-clicking an application file and setting up a shortcut
  2. right-clicking the shortcut
  3. Select Properties
  4. Select Shortcut tab
  5. Select Shortcut key
  6. Type the desired key combination

*if there is a conflict, the conflicting program or file will open instead. If no conflict, the combo will be assigned - and you're good.

The problem I am having is that after restart the shortcuts I mentioned do not work, although they remain assigned. :confused:

:thumbsup: Thumbs up is appreciated
PASTED FROM Microsoft Forums:

Thanks for your vote!
Thahaseena M replied on



Make sure you are logged in as an Administrator on your computer.
If you are using a program that also has a keyboard shortcut using the same key combination as the shortcut you just created, then your shortcut may not work.
You cannot use the Esc, Enter, Tab, Spacebar, PrtScn, Shift, or Backspace keys to create a keyboard shortcut.
For further reference check the article mentioned below.
Create keyboard shortcuts to open programs:
Create keyboard shortcuts to open programs - Windows Help
Keyboard shortcuts:
Keyboard shortcuts - Windows Help

Thank you and Regards.
Thahaseena M
Microsoft Answers Support Engineer.
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