Solved Setting PPPOE connection to autodial on startup

In the .au3 file, are you supposed to leave the name as "connectionname" and do you leave the two " each side of it in ?
'connectionname' is the section from your ini file:

I think i may kno what i'm doing wrong, your connection name is internet but mine is called united states, so i edit everything from "internet" to "united states" am i right?
Does it matter where rasdial.exe is located? Or would you recommend to palce it in with pass.ini and internet exe
I just edited pass.ini there, and changed internet to united states, would you recommend changing the au3 internet to United states too, or just the pass ini file?
in au3 is the section name,don't change it,then program doesn't know where is connection name and where is password
I just edited pass.ini there, and changed internet to united states, would you recommend changing the au3 internet to United states too, or just the pass ini file?