Solved Setting PPPOE connection to autodial on startup


New Member
Hi,i'm using W8.1 and I try to setup autodial for a PPPOE connection on startup,I've use Task Scheduler
on action i've set: c:\Windows\System32\rasphone.exe
arguments: -d "connectionname"
trigger : At log on
When I start computer,PPPOE connection starts but doesn't auto connect,I have to press "Connect" button

so there is a problem setting it to autodial,need some help


You are doing it the hard way. Just set it up from Internet Options in the Control Panel. You can also set it up from the Network Connections folder.
Hi,I don't understand what you mean "to set it up",I want to autodial/autoconnect it on system startup
You are doing it the hard way. Just set it up from Internet Options in the Control Panel. You can also set it up from the Network Connections folder.
Hi,I don't understand what you mean "to set it up",I want to autodial/autoconnect it on system startup
You are doing it the hard way. Just set it up from Internet Options in the Control Panel. You can also set it up from the Network Connections folder.
I stated what you need to do to set up so that when Windows starts. Your PPPoE connection will automatically start.

Using a task is the incorrect way of doing it. Plus it is a hard way of doing something, that Microsoft's engineers have already made available through two options.
Hi,my connection doesn't automatically start/dial,if there is an option I couldn't find it,please tell me how to set it up
My connection is already set,it does connect manually,I only need to make it automatically connect,that is what i only need,I didn't find any option to make that,in W7 there is an option to not ask for user+password,I could not find it on W 8.1
Hi,my connection doesn't automatically start/dial,if there is an option I couldn't find it,please tell me how to set it up
Again, you have to do it either from Internet Options or Network & Sharing Center. Configure Windows 8 PPPoE Internet Settings
Follow the instructions in that link. It has not changed in how setting up PPPoE connections are done. Everything is still the same as it was in previous editions.
I've followed your link since you gave me and found nothing about automatically dial/auto connect,the tutorial ends with creating a shortcut and place it to desktop to be manually run..

Follow the instructions in that link. It has not changed in how setting up PPPoE connections are done. Everything is still the same as it was in previous editions.
You do not place anything on the desktop. When you power on the computer, you can click on the network icon at the sign-on screen and activate the PPPoE connection. If you really want to make it easy. Just use a router for an Always on connection.

Windows 8 looks at PPPoE as a "Metered" connection. That is why it is not an always on connection. As I stated above. You can connect to the connection at log-in if you wish, if you use the Microsoft login. It is always on if you use a Local Workstation account.
Solved using rasdial.exe "connectionname" username password

to hide the command windows:
1) I've downloaded and install AUTOIT ,put next script into a .au3 file:

$conn=IniRead($file, $section, "connectionname", "")
$username=IniRead($file, $section, "username", "")
$password=IniRead($file, $section, "password", "")

   RunWait("rasdial.exe "&$conn&" "&$username&" "&$password, @WorkingDir, @SW_HIDE)
right click and chose compile,and I got the exe (in my case i got internet.exe,in task I've created in step 3 you'll see the path to it : <Command>E:\settings\internet\internet.exe</Command>)

2) in the same folder as exe I've created pass.ini file :

when need to change username or password,just edit .ini file

3) create task schedule as there
Last edited:
This is exported task as xml,if you need additional info please let me know

Trigger: at log on
Action :start a program

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><Task version="1.2" xmlns="">
    <Principal id="Author">
  <Actions Context="Author">
Thanks, though i'm not sure how you did this
to hide the command windows I've compiled into a exe next AUTOIT script:



$conn=IniRead($file, $section, "connectionname", "")
$username=IniRead($file, $section, "username", "")
$password=IniRead($file, $section, "password", "")

RunWait("rasdial.exe "&$conn&" "&$username&" "&$password, @WorkingDir, @SW_HIDE)

also create in the same folder pass.ini file :

Thanks just a few more questions
For part 1, did you create the first script in the notepad, and save as .au3 ? what program do you open to compile it?
Solved using rasdial.exe "connectionname" username password

to hide the command windows:
1) I've downloaded and install AUTOIT ,put next script into a .au3 file:

$conn=IniRead($file, $section, "connectionname", "")
$username=IniRead($file, $section, "username", "")
$password=IniRead($file, $section, "password", "")

   RunWait("rasdial.exe "&$conn&" "&$username&" "&$password, @WorkingDir, @SW_HIDE)
right click and chose compile,and I got the exe

2) in the same folder as exe I've created pass.ini file :

when need to change username or password,just edit .ini file

3) create task schedule as there
Nevermind i ddin't have the correct program installed for it to appear, you have the task set to open internet.exe i don't have that though, what do i need to do to fix that and allow it to autoconnect, rename it to rasphone?
no,don't rename it to rasphone,internet.exe is the file (exe) got when compile the script

Nevermind i ddin't have the correct program installed for it to appear, you have the task set to open internet.exe i don't have that though, what do i need to do to fix that and allow it to autoconnect, rename it to rasphone?
review step 1 when compile,I put a little info there
for some reason when i click on internet exe nothing happens, and i have pass ini in the same folder ill let you know if i fix it