Server 2012 Updates Successfully Installed on Windows 8

Wow, I'm surprised how little interest this seems to garner. There must be users of Windows 8 that would see this as a big deal (especially as it indicates a future for Vista post-support as well - given there are Server 2008 updates to be had after 2017). Oh well. I'm happy.
Well Patch Tuesday is here again, and as a Windows 8 user (yes the original version), I'm happy to say that I was able to amass the updates for March 2016 from Server 2012, and use them to patch Windows 8 for a second month in a row. I have to say, especially given that this IS a Windows 8 Forum, I'm surprised that there is no interest in this whatsoever. You'd think that there are fans of Windows 8 that would be thrilled that there is a source for updates. What gives?
Well I still am surprised as ever that there is zero interest in this thread (especially given it's a Windows 8 Forum). However, being that I'm obviously a glutton for punishment, here are the updates that I successfully installed today on Windows 8 Pro (original) from Server 2012 (for April 2016).

KB3154132 (for Adobe Flash Player), KB3148198 (for IE 10), KB3142043 (for .NET Framework v3.5), KB3135456, KB3145739, KB3146706, KB3146723, KB3146963 and KB3149090

So that's three months of post-support updates that I've successfully installed on to Windows 8.
Setup an account just to say I appreciate the thread and to keep them coming.

Thank you sinnerman. I appreciate the feedback. I didn't mean to go on and on about it. Sometimes though, I'm so shocked when you post something that you figure for sure would be of interest to the Windows 8 community, and then ZERO feedback. Just leaves you scratching your head.
It's most likely because there aren't that many users Win 8 that haven't already moved on to Win 8.1 or Win 10.
So here are the Windows Server 2012 updates I have applied to my windows 8 Pro installation for May 2016:
OS Updates:
KB3155784, KB3153171, KB3153704, KB3153199, KB3156017, KB3156013, KB3156016 and KB3156019
IE 10
Adobe Flash Player
v3.5 -> KB3142025 (not applicable to my system)
v4.5.2 -> KB3142032
v4.6x -> KB3142037
We need a way to get those updates automatically. It's nice to know there is a way to get them, but it's very hard to pick them one by one.
True, but at MSFN, there is a user who has created a table of updates, and the links to find them. However no one has spoken about a cohesive package yet. It would need to be updated month by month.
Less is more, new is old... 8 is better ;-)

Jody, I also signed up just to say thank you for the info on patching Windows 8 via Server 2012 updates, this is very helpful.

One thing many people seem to forget is the web/internet is also about data persistence... ergo, our society has libraries, museums, and archives. A blog, post, or forum might be several years old, but the -information- is what matters and may help other people long after the original thread has closed. (e.g. repairing or modifying older vehicles, etc). I find lots of useful info in posts which are now 5 to 15 years old. You may not get much response, but this thread is being found and used...

Windows 7 is currently our main OS, but we could utilize some of the improvements in the underlying OS of newer versions (kernel, IO, threading, etc). I've spent 2 years 'test-driving' various editions of Windows 8, 8.x, and 10 including 1607 build (it's a dog). IMO, Windows 8 is the only version which is fast, stable, and doesn't share obnoxious amouts of telemetry and personal data with MS. So, I'll be transitioning some of our machines to Win 8 now that I know security updates are possible.

Anyway, thanks again for posting your results!

P.s. I have visited your links to MSFN and downloaded the zip files for 2016 updates.
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Just something worthwhile to add: Server 2012 updates are not being affected by all of the CPU-blocking schemes that exist when updating either Windows 7 or Windows 8.1. So in this respect, Windows 8 is unaffected.

And since extended-phase support for Server 2012 has been extended to October 2023, that adds to the longevity for updating Windows 8.

More than a year in, and still updating strong.
Well, I guess I should stop updating this thread, since I'm now the only one posting. The May 2017 updates went on without a hitch. I suppose if there is no further interest, I'll leave it at that, and you can join us over at MSFN for more updates on Windows 8 RTM updating.