Secure Sign-in with Ctrl+Alt+Delete - Enable or Disable in Windows 8

How Enable or Disable Secure Sign-in with Ctrl+Alt+Delete in Windows 8 and 8.1

information   Information
Secure sign-in provides an additional layer of security that guarantees that the authentic Windows sign-in screen appears, protecting the system from programs that mimic a sign-in to retrieve password info.

This will show you how to enable to disable requiring all users to have to press Ctrl+Alt+Delete on the lock screen before signing in to Windows 8 for added security.

You must be signed in as an administrator to be able to do the steps in this tutorial.

Note   Note
When Ctrl+Alt+Delete is enabled, you will see all users on the sign in screen instead of just the user that last signed off after you press Ctrl+Alt+Delete on the sign in (log on) screen.

EXAMPLE: Secure Sign-in with Ctrl+Alt+Delete Enabled


Enable/Disable "Secure Sign-in" in Advanced User Accounts

1. From the Start screen, start typing netplwiz and press Enter when finished.​
NOTE: You could also press Windows+R to open the Run dialog, type netplwiz, and click on OK.​
2. If prompted by UAC, then click on Yes.​
3. Do step 4 or 5 below for what you would like to do.​
4. To Enable Secure Sign-in
A) Check the Require users to press Ctrl+Alt+Delete box, and click on OK. (see screenshot below)​
NOTE: If the setting is grayed out, then do OPTION TWO or OPTION THREE below instead.​

5. To Disable Secure Sign-in
A) Uncheck the Requires users to press Ctrl+Alt+Delete box, and click on OK. (see screenshot below)
NOTE: This is the default setting. If the setting is grayed out, then do OPTION TWO or OPTION THREE below instead.​


Enable/Disable "Secure Sign-in" using a REG File Download

NOTE: This option will also set OPTION THREE below back to it's default setting of Not Defined.

Note   Note
The .reg files below are for the registry key and value below.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon


0 = disable secure sign-in
1 = enable secure sign-in

1. Do step 2 or 3 below for what you would like to do.​
2. To Enable Secure Sign-in
A) Click on the Download button below to download the file below.​

B) Go to step 4 below.​

3. To Disable Secure Sign-in
NOTE: This is the default setting.​
A) Click on the Download button below to download the file below.​

B) Go to step 4 below.​

4. Save the .reg file to the desktop.
5. Double click on the downloaded .reg file to Merge it.
6. Click on Run, Yes (UAC), Yes, and OK when prompted.
7. When done, you can delete the downloaded .reg file if you like.


Enable/Disable "Secure Sign-in" in Local Security Policy

Note   Note

  • When this option is set to Disabled or Enabled, it will override and gray out the settings in OPTION ONE above.
  • When this option is set to it's default Not Defined, then the settings in OPTION ONE above will no longer be grayed out and can be set to how you like. Using a REG file in OPTION TWO above will also set this back to Not Defined.

1. From the Start screen, start typing secpol.msc and press Enter when finished.​
NOTE: You could also press Windows+R to open the Run dialog, type secpol.msc, and click on OK.​
2. If prompted by UAC, then click on Yes.​
3. In the left pane, expand Local Policies, and click on Security Options. (see screenshot below)​
4. In the right pane, right click on Interactive Logon: Do not required CTRL+ALT+DEL and click on Properties. (see screenshot above)​
5. Do step 6 or 7 below for what you would like to do.​
6. To Enable Secure Sign-in
A) Select (dot) Disabled, and click on OK. (see screenshot below)​
B) Go to step 8 below.​

7. To Disable Secure Sign-in
A) Select (dot) Enabled, and click on OK. (see screenshot below)
B) Go to step 8 below.

8. When finished, you can close the Local Security Policy window.​

That's it,



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Hi Brink

Is there any way to change the background when secure sign-in is enabled?


I just tried using the 3rd option to typing secpol.msc and press Enter. But I keep getting a message that it can't be found. To trying checking the spelling and try again.

I am running windows 8.1 with the 64bit operating system. Capture.PNG

Is that option not available on my computer?
Never mind - I just did some more searching and found out that it is not available in the home / basic edition of windows 8.1. I guess I will have to use the registry option to change the settings. They tell you not to mess with the registry, but don't make things available to those who purchase the basic editions - gotta love MS reasoning :sarc: