Screen shots of new ui

I like the ribbon interface so, this is a good news for me. But, I'm pretty sure it won't stay exactly that way for long.
Very nice interface, but I'd rather use the mouse (right click menu) than the buttons in "Home" tab. I would like to see a screen showing the other tabs commands.

Looks like s**t, lol. Needs to stay in Office and that's it ;)
I'm confortable with the ribbon interface. Use O2010 daily at work and home so I've gotten lots a practice.
The Ribbon for Windows8

There’s good news on the Windows 8 front: Microsoft may be learning from its more nimble units such as Xbox and Windows Phone 7. The bad news: It’s unclear whether this Windows 8 mashup can result in a coherent user interface.

The weekend was abuzz with Windows 8 possibilities. For starters, Windows 8 may incorporate an Office ribbon, a handy little navigation tool. That tidbit comes as a Windows 8 start screen looked downright Windows Phone 7 and Xbox-ish. Toss in some Windows Live hooks and it looks like Microsoft is borrowing a lot of existing features to craft something new.

omg please unless they are gonna change the ribbon interface itself, don't let that live. my god it's not intuitive at all the images are horrible and you can't find stuff or rather it's harder to find stuff than using a regular text menu bar.

unless they can make it more user-friendly and actually not look and feel horrible then they should not let that junk see the light of day.
It might not even be M3 build. Build strings aren't even shown in most of these pictures. Same goes for the pics leaked by Rafael.
I hope the final release doesn't look like those screen shots, looks like a horrible Youtube mash-up.
New Disk Cleanup GUI in 7850.
