Safely Remove Hardware USB3 hard drive docks


New Member
I recently installed Windows 8.1 Pro on my main computer, this computer has 2 onboard USB3 ports and a PCI-E USB3 adapter card with 4 more ports; I have two Dockmaster dual USB3 hard drive docks. Before when I had Windows 7 and there was a hard drive in each separate dock they showed up separately in Safely Remove Hardware and Eject Media but now they show up as if they're two hard drives in the same dock:
Before on Windows 7:
Eject USB To ATA/ATAPI Bridge
- HD1
Eject USB To ATA/ATAPI Bridge
- HD2

Now on Windows 8.1:
Eject USB To ATA/ATAPI Bridge
- HD1
- HD2
despite the fact that they are in separate docks attached to separate controllers.

There are times I may not want to eject HD1 but only eject HD2 or visa versa so how to I get these to appear as they used to in Windows 7? Both USB3 controllers appear to use the same Renesas chip and driver and there doesn't seem to be any configurable items in the device manager properties.