I have put irfanview as my default image viewers of all types all over the system.
However, when I am using irfanview on a particular image, I want some other app to open the other images that I am trying to open. For that I have installed FastStone Image Viewer (What a rubbish program it is. suggest something better), so I want FSView.exe to appear in my RightClick - Open With defaults so that I can select it.
However I try, windows 8 is always showing
Microsoft Office 2010
Windows Photo Viewer
in that open with setting.
I have selected Faststone viewer a dozen time through disk, but it doesn't stick to the right click menu. Those names are always coming.
I don't want even to see 1. Microsoft Office 2010, 2. Photos, 3. Windows Photo Viewer in that list, I just don't want to use these three programs to ever open any of my images.
So I want, 1. irfanview, 2. paint, 3. Faststone viewer to appear in my rightclick openwith list.
How do I do it.
I have tried control panel - Default programs. I have downloaded and run Default Programs Editor.exe mentioned elsewhere in this forum, but they don't give any option to "delete" there options of rightclick menu that keep on appearing.
how do I remove those three stupid options forcibly glued by MS to suit them. I want to put only my 3 programs as mentioned above. HOw to do it.
(And, please do suggest some better free image viewer in place of faststone viewer.)
However, when I am using irfanview on a particular image, I want some other app to open the other images that I am trying to open. For that I have installed FastStone Image Viewer (What a rubbish program it is. suggest something better), so I want FSView.exe to appear in my RightClick - Open With defaults so that I can select it.
However I try, windows 8 is always showing
Microsoft Office 2010
Windows Photo Viewer
in that open with setting.
I have selected Faststone viewer a dozen time through disk, but it doesn't stick to the right click menu. Those names are always coming.
I don't want even to see 1. Microsoft Office 2010, 2. Photos, 3. Windows Photo Viewer in that list, I just don't want to use these three programs to ever open any of my images.
So I want, 1. irfanview, 2. paint, 3. Faststone viewer to appear in my rightclick openwith list.
How do I do it.
I have tried control panel - Default programs. I have downloaded and run Default Programs Editor.exe mentioned elsewhere in this forum, but they don't give any option to "delete" there options of rightclick menu that keep on appearing.
how do I remove those three stupid options forcibly glued by MS to suit them. I want to put only my 3 programs as mentioned above. HOw to do it.
(And, please do suggest some better free image viewer in place of faststone viewer.)