Sorted and its really easy.............................
Mount your removable storage into a folder in Windows as per below. * Insert your microSD card in the slot
* Go to Disk Management
* You will see that your microSD card has been assigned a drive letter. Right-click your “Removable” drive and select “Change Drive Letter and Paths for <drive letter>…”
* Once the card has already been inserted and assigned a drive letter, you cannot simply click “Change…” here (the option you need will be grayed out). So you have to click “Remove”.
* Now the only option you have is “Add…”. Click it and you will see “Mount in the following empty NTFS folder:”
* Create a folder right in my Users directory or right in C:. For instance, C: microSD or C: (whatever you want to call it)
* Select that folder and you are now able to treat your microSD like any other folder in Windows 8, including skydrive
BTW the microsd doesn't need to be empty as long as its formatted in NTFS, your data will not be deleted or modified (I suppose its always better to back it up first though).