Hi I suppose this is a common post. Here goes. My Hdd failed so I purchased A brand new SSD My HP recovery media will not load. It failed first time on the second disk load. the second third and fourth time it failed at a percentage of load 22%,70%,13%
I contact HP technical department they tell me the new hard drive is not compatable with the mother board. I can understand when built the drive and board are checked under the checks for build but not when it fails because either can fail I told the tech guy this. what he said next made me think his training was wasted. He said when the hdd fails the recovery system will not work. i think he should be retrained or removed. I knew the recovery would not work I had told him that. He did give me any sort of help he just said ca he help me with any thing else! Can anyone here help please because I know nothing about these problems all I do is boot up and surf. Thank you
I contact HP technical department they tell me the new hard drive is not compatable with the mother board. I can understand when built the drive and board are checked under the checks for build but not when it fails because either can fail I told the tech guy this. what he said next made me think his training was wasted. He said when the hdd fails the recovery system will not work. i think he should be retrained or removed. I knew the recovery would not work I had told him that. He did give me any sort of help he just said ca he help me with any thing else! Can anyone here help please because I know nothing about these problems all I do is boot up and surf. Thank you