recovery media failure


Hi I suppose this is a common post. Here goes. My Hdd failed so I purchased A brand new SSD My HP recovery media will not load. It failed first time on the second disk load. the second third and fourth time it failed at a percentage of load 22%,70%,13%
I contact HP technical department they tell me the new hard drive is not compatable with the mother board. I can understand when built the drive and board are checked under the checks for build but not when it fails because either can fail I told the tech guy this. what he said next made me think his training was wasted. He said when the hdd fails the recovery system will not work. i think he should be retrained or removed. I knew the recovery would not work I had told him that. He did give me any sort of help he just said ca he help me with any thing else! Can anyone here help please because I know nothing about these problems all I do is boot up and surf. Thank you
Is the recovery media is on the old HDD or External ?
Is the SSD smaller in size than the HDD ?
Hi thanks for the rwply I purchased the recovery disks from HP . yes the ssd is 500 gb the hdd was 1 T B I thought about buyin a new 1TB but my son had jusbought this crucial x200 and gave it to me he said it would be faster and being that I only used the laptop for some surfing and skypeing me friend in Canada that would be enough..
recovery media falure

Hi thanks I do have a copy installed but the reason I bought the recovery media from hp was I wanted the original system. drivers from the sight are substitue and the laptop will never run like when first built.

HP laptops seem to be different from other marks I downloaded a copy of windows 8.1 pro. I went on line to activate. Microsoft told me the copy installed was not genuine HP so it could not be activated. The told me I could buy a copy from them with a licence key. I contacted HP and purchased a recovery kit. this would not work and like I said in my first post I needed help .The disks can be repaired but I don't know how. this is why a post was made by me.
Download Showkey >
And retrieve the bios embedded product key and windows version...
then download that windows version...

HP Windows Software is the same as MS software, so software not an issue here..
It is the windows version....

you can even post a screenshot of showkey - just click on the keys displayed in program window to mask/hide them before taking a snapshot of the program window
recovery media failure.

THank you both. first i could not download RTM version with the same SHA numbers from Microsoft so all I can have is a trial version. But i can't understand why HP will not supply software to match my new hard drive to the motherbard. If the 1 TB was matched when built some software must have been used. so that software could be given. other wise the laptop must be used with a copy activated by KMS. once again thanks for the help it was much appreciated.
And what version did Showkey tell you have key for ???
I suspect you have BING Edition which is Not available for download.
But we can't help you, without you helping us...
Hi sorry was out now back Showkey plus showed windows 8.1 RTM coreOEM:DM I could find that version on the Ms site well no RTM versions were available.
Sorry about the smiley face I did not put it there the full line should read WINDOWS 8.1 RTM Core OEM:DM
\sorry about the smiley face but the line should be WIN 8.1 RTM Core OEM DM a colon should be between the OEM and DM.
Hi I would like to thank all members who helped me. I have come to accept my lap top is the fault. it seems sometimes software will load and others that same software will not load. So I will give up for now until I decide what my next option is Thank you