Receiving REGISTRY_ERROR BSOD after startup


New Member
Hello, so recently I started getting BSOD right after startup... It happens usually after 5 - 10 minutes after the PC being turned on.

It's a laptop Lenovo IdeaPad Y50-70 Black.


Processor: Intel Core i5 4200H Haswell
Graphic Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 860M 4GB
HDD: Hybrid SSHD 1TB
Windows 8.1 64-bit

Windows were already preinstalled by Lenovo and what's
surprising me is, that laptops NO LONGER come with installation CDs/DVDs w/e ? I guess everything is through the internet nowadays.

Past experience:

I bought it last year(2014) in September.
I don't know how far the dump files go, but since the beginning I already experienced 2 different crashes:

1) Optional(Doesn't need to be fixed now) Sometimes the laptop completely shuts down. First, your keyboard stops responding and right after it makes some loud pop noise and then the whole laptop shuts down. When you turn the laptop back on, everything seems fine. It can happen both with plugged in / on battery. It's completely random and can happen anytime. Playing games, browsing through the internet, doesn't matter..

Also It's not overheating issue, because the temperatures were always low. First time it happened was like 1-2 months after purchase.

It's still under a 2 year warranty, but this type of crash happened only like once every 1-2 months. So even if I tried to return it, i think they would gave it back saying that there's no problem with the laptop, since the crash wouldn't probably happen to them, when it's so rare. Last time this type of crash happened to me, was sometime early in November this year if i remember correctly.

I also installed BlueScreenViewer because of it, but since the crash itself isn't probably BSOD type, it has never recorded it. Some people say it's because of HDD which is corrupted or because of outdated BIOS. I don't know if you will be able to see it in dump files, but maybe you will..

There is a few people experiencing similar or maybe same issue:

However since it's so rare sometimes, people tend to say that updating BIOS fixed it, but other say that it didn't help at all.. I don't even know if my BIOS is outdated or not.

2) Urgent: Current BSOD: REGISTRY_ERROR crashes.

So I'm not sure if it's after Windows update, but i think it started sometime around 23rd of this month. Whenever I turn the laptop on, after like 5 - 10 minutes it shuts down. I tried going into safe mode, but even in safe mode it crashes.

View attachment 66776

The BSOD itself doesn't say any specific error, just that it's a REGISTRY_ERROR.

Also here's a BSODViewer:
View attachment 66777

All programs should be up-to-date.. The only thing I haven't updated since like the end of October is nvidia graphics driver since they were releasing poor updates back then and many people didn't recommend updating, since people were experiencing a lot of crashes. However I still think something else is causing this BSOD, since there were no problems at all for almost 2 months.

Thanks in advance.
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