Solved (Quick) question - making Windows 8 bootable in UEFI DVD


Hello, some time ago I did a bootable in UEFI mode Windows 8 setup USB following this tutorial and using the ISO I have. All worked fine, now I want to do it with DVD cause you know, USBs are for other storage, I prefer keeping such on a DVD where I won't be touching or using them for anything else but installation and booting.

I have DVD+RW (crappy Verbatim). I am not sure if it can burn DVDs but at least it didn't work for Win 7-8 usb/dvd tool due to being dual-layer disk.

Anyway, my question is, would it work if I followed as in the tutorial, making it all on the USB up to Step 8, sending the files to the USB as if I am to boot from USB but then I do normal burn of all files from the USB after Step 8 to DVD,.

Or some other method is needed? I would use Burnaware free, if you know how to do it with it or other tool for that purpose.
What exactly from step 9? Just the burning? I could do that from any software, my question is, shouldn't something be added to make it UEFI, like it's done for USB. And in that manner I asked if making a UEFI flash drive and then sending the win 8 files to it. then burning the content from the flash to DVD will do it.

This only tells how to make a bootable Win 8 from ISO to either USB or DVD using the WIn 7 USB/DVD Tool. Firstly this tool does not work on my BD-ROM that gives me it could not burn dual-layer DVD which is strange cause my Verbatim +RW is 4.7 nowhere does it indicate it is dual layer that usually are 8.5 GB

2ndly. if I am to simply burn an ISO why use this Win 7 tool when I could use any software to burn ISO to DVD, the idea was to do it UEFI like with the USB...
Emtr said:
What exactly from step 9? Just the burning? I could do that from any software,


my question is, shouldn't something be added to make it UEFI, like it's done for USB.

If you have a good ISO, no.

And in that manner I asked if making a UEFI flash drive and then sending the win 8 files to it. then burning the content from the flash to DVD will do it.

You can use the ISO.
^ Since with that ISO I made successfully a UEFI bootable USB, it is 'good ISO'? So just burning to DVD with any software e.g Burnaware that I use would make it UEFI? I don't get it, with USB I had to complete some steps and formatting in Command Promt, and I thought this adds something that makes it uefi before sending the files to that USB. Or did the steps done in CMD do nothing for making it UEFI and it was all thanks to the ISO? Cause then I simply sent the files from the ISO to the USB and it did boot in uefi fine. Can you answer that?
If you have a good ISO, & format the USB to FAT32, you will have a UEFI/non-UEFI USB bootable drive,
but if you format to NTFS, you will have only a non-UEFI USB bootable drive.
I am talking about burning to DVD... since it uses no FAT32.. should burning the ISO with e.g burnaware be enough? My question is doing a UEFI bootable DVD not USB I meant if something special is needed to make before burning to DVD to make it boot uefi mode like doing it from usb?
... Because I want to make my own bootable in UEFI Win 8 installation disk instead of doing it from USB?? Because DVDs are what you can leave entirely for that as a backup, not USBs on which I delete and add files all the time. I just want to keep a disk to install from if I ever lose it. Does it matter why ? 3476d1350236208t-ics-apk-files-emoticon_rolleyes.gif
My question is doing a UEFI bootable DVD not USB I meant if something special is needed to make before burning to DVD to make it boot uefi mode like doing it from usb?

If you have a good ISO, why would you need to?
Maybe the ESD to ISO option is required from the tutorial under Option TWO. If the .iso is not bootable as UEFI, it won't help to burn it. The process adds a second boot image to the DVD which is not present in the .iso created by the download utility.
If you have a good ISO, why would you need to?

OK newsflash - I am not sure if it is a good ISO - I do not know how to verify that. Maybe it is, since I created successfully a UEFI bootable USB from it?

Then why ask me this question over and over again? Do you read?
... Because I want to make my own bootable in UEFI Win 8 installation disk instead of doing it from USB?? Because DVDs are what you can leave entirely for that as a backup, not USBs on which I delete and add files all the time.

That's why

Maybe the ESD to ISO option is required from the tutorial under Option TWO. If the .iso is not bootable as UEFI, it won't help to burn it. The process adds a second boot image to the DVD which is not present in the .iso created by the download utility.

Okay, how do I know if it is bootable from UEFI, maybe it is Bootable from UEFI since I did it fine when using a USB. So is this enough to tell my ISO is bootable from UEFI? (Since I did it successfully from USB). And if it is a good ISO is burning this ISO image to DVD with whatever program I have for burning ALL I NEED to achieve the same - this was my question posts ago but the guy above was just playing a game of words.
Emtr said:
What exactly from step 9? Just the burning? I could do that from any software,


my question is, shouldn't something be added to make it UEFI, like it's done for USB.

If you have a good ISO, no.

And in that manner I asked if making a UEFI flash drive and then sending the win 8 files to it. then burning the content from the flash to DVD will do it.

You can use the ISO.

this was my question posts ago but the guy above was just playing a game of words.

Read post four or the above.
^ Ok, I read that the first time but I wanted you, sort of, to confirm that all I have to do is burn the iso on DVD and it will boot in UEFI and no need to do anything beyond. Although you didn't answer me directly... I will take this for yes to my question. Thx.. I will test it in the future whenever I need to install windows, for now I alrdy have it so no need to run the dvd.

Ok I booted in UEFI and in the BIOS I saw in the Boot Option #, CD/DVD: UEFI: (Name of my optical drive)

^ That should answer my question that I can boot the DVD in UEFI mode, that's all I wanted to know...
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