Question about the Navigation Pane in Explorer


New Member
In Windows Explorer in the Desktop mode, there is a navigation pane on the left hand side. At the top, there is a spot for your favorite folders, so you can navigate directly to them easily. Below that are other sections, like "Homegroup" and "This PC." Whenever you open Windows Explorer, it automatically focuses on This PC in the navigation pane by default. Does anyone know of any way to get it to focus on Favorites by default, rather than This PC, without having to create a shortcut? I'd like it to do that even if I press Windows Key+E
Easy peasy search. Change the Default File Explorer Startup Folder in Windows 8 First hit. How-to Geek is probably one of the best sites for just about anything.
Thanks for that link, but it's not really working out for a few reasons. First of all, when I open up the File Explorer properties, the Target box is disabled, and I can't enter anything into it. But I don't think it would work out how I want, anyway. It would let me set a custom folder to open, but I don't see any way to get it to default to my Favorites in the navigation pane. It's still good stuff to know.