So I've been playing around with Decor8 A LOT since I installed it. I've been looking around as to what images I can use decently for the Start Screen with a lot of tiles.
Here is my breakdown of what I think flies:
If you have very few tiles on your Start Screen, you can totally get away with an image that has its interest point at the center of it, such as loquacious'.
If you have a lot of tiles (like I do
) you can use an image, BUT, certain images can work nicely. For example, todesign's Start background would work real well. Or, an image that doesn't have a center point of interest to it, where it's on a side, or just all over like a picture of purple flower petals. Also, if you have an image you really want to use, but the tiles block most of it out, I've found that taking that image and shrinking it down, then setting it to tile the Start Screen or parallex scrolling with Decor8, will work real nicely too.
That just ME.
But I'm kind of seeing why Microsoft didn't allow that, as yeah, the tiles can end up taking over most of the image. But then again, a Desktop FULL of icons clutters a wallpaper, but then again, not many of use have a Desktop full of icons to clutter an image with. Maybe, if you're using xp...
Also, I put the same image on my Desktop and Start Screen....WHOA. Blew my mind. It was just trippy. That's actually how I once imagined the Start Screen should do. When you hit the Start button, the Desktop wallpaper is the ONLY thing you see, with it darken in the background, and the tiles appear.