Please Read: Activation troubleshooting

The only USB i have is 3.73GB :think: 4GB is required :/

That USB drive is fine - the ISO is 3,21 GB (3 454 271 488 bytes) - for GB, the US version won't be much different.

So I put the ISO on the USB? correct? also I'm British - I know my times wrong for some reason.

Affirmative... I use Rufus to create the USB

BTW make sure you choose the correct version - Win 8.1 (not Pro, N or anything other)
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That USB drive is fine - the ISO is 3,21 GB (3 454 271 488 bytes) - for GB, the US version won't be much different.

So I put the ISO on the USB? correct? also I'm British - I know my times wrong for some reason.

Affirmative... I use Rufus to create the USB

BTW make sure you choose the correct version - Win 8.1 (not Pro, N or anything other)

Alright, I'll let you know how it goes. I appreciate all the help!

it worked! Thank you so much for the help, I appreciate it!
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So I put the ISO on the USB? correct? also I'm British - I know my times wrong for some reason.

Affirmative... I use Rufus to create the USB

BTW make sure you choose the correct version - Win 8.1 (not Pro, N or anything other)

Alright, I'll let you know how it goes. I appreciate all the help!

it worked! Thank you so much for the help, I appreciate it!

Awesome!... you are welcome ;)
Hi, I recently bought a PC with windows8.1 pre-installed, but it tells me that the product key doesn't work. A product key was not provided (that I can find) but they did include a recovery dvd. Here is what the diagnostic tool is bringing up:

Diagnostic Report
Windows Validation Data-->
ToolVersion: 6.3.9600.16384
LicensingStatus: In Notification
LicensingStatusReason: 0xC004F009
LocalGenuineState: Invalid license
LocalGenuineResultP: 0
GraceTimeMinutes: 0
TotalGraceDays: 0
ActivePartialProductKey: 3GMCH
ActiveProductKeyPid2: 00258-90000-00001-AAOEM
OSVersion: 6.3.9600.2.00010300.0.0.101
ProductName: Windows 8.1
ProcessorArchitecture: x64
EditionId: Core
BuildLab: 9600.winblue_gdr.131030-1505
TimeZone: Eastern Standard Time(GMT-05:00)
ActiveSkuId: b080aea2-e6c5-4b22-838e-fa4a21c931e3
ActiveSkuDescription: Windows(R) Operating System, OEM_COA_NSLP channel
ProductUniquenessGroups: 55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f
ActiveProductKeyPKeyId: df9d0498-0ecb-0af2-94ab-8b243bca691f
ActiveProductKeyPidEx: 06401-02589-000-000001-02-1033-9600.0000-2622014
ActiveProductKeyChannel: OEM:NONSLP
OfflineInstallationId: 250231024774708093630890521579055803672301638397021906515491441
DomainJoined: false
ComputerSid: S-1-5-21-204414496-1168381973-3664535629
ProductLCID: 1033
UserLCID: 1033
SystemLCID: 1033
ServiceAvailable: true
Manufacturer: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.
Model: GA-78LMT-USB3 6.0
InstallDate: 20151208220855.000000-300

Health Check Data-->
Result: PASS

Genuine Authorization Data-->
ServerProps: 0xc004f200

Activation Diagnostic Tool for Windows 8.x
Created by Superfly for EightForums

When I run ShowKeyPlus, the installed key matches, but for OEM key it tells me:

"Error: Getting OEM key from MSDM table
Key data:
Non-negative number required.
Parameter name: btyeCount"

Any help would be greatly appreciated
Hi Hraizor

You have an OEM System Builder key installed, those are not included in the firmware - it's odd that there is an MSDM table yet the OEM key data is empty (unless the key is not in the correct postion in the table). To confirm my suspicion, run RW Everything portable and check the MSDM tab.

In addition, can you run the WDT exe or Display_Licence_Info script? We need the event log errors to see why activation is failing.
Here is what the Licence Info script pulls up:

Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.8
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Software licensing service version: 6.3.9600.16497

Name: Windows(R), Core edition
Description: Windows(R) Operating System, OEM_COA_NSLP channel
Activation ID: b080aea2-e6c5-4b22-838e-fa4a21c931e3
Application ID: 55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f
Extended PID: 06401-02589-000-000001-02-1033-9600.0000-2622014
Product Key Channel: OEM:NONSLP
Installation ID: 250231024774708093630890521579055803672301638397021906515491441
Use License URL:
Validation URL:
Partial Product Key: 3GMCH
License Status: Notification
Notification Reason: 0xC004F009 (grace time expired).
Remaining Windows rearm count: 1000
Remaining SKU rearm count: 1001
Trusted time: 12/17/2015 5:07:12 AM

************** Errors from Event Log *************

Message: Installation of the Proof of Purchase failed. 0xC004F069
Partial Pkey=Y4FXB
Detailed Error[?]

Time Written: 20151216013615.000000-000

Message: Installation of the Proof of Purchase failed. 0xC004F069
Partial Pkey=27F9V
Detailed Error[?]

Time Written: 20151216013521.000000-000

Message: License Activation (slui.exe) failed with the following error code:
Command-line arguments:
Time Written: 20151209030909.000000-000

Message: Acquisition of End User License failed. hr=0xC004C003
Sku Id=b080aea2-e6c5-4b22-838e-fa4a21c931e3
Time Written: 20151209030909.000000-000

Message: License acquisition failure details.
Time Written: 20151209030909.000000-000

Message: Acquisition of End User License failed. hr=0xC004C003
Sku Id=b080aea2-e6c5-4b22-838e-fa4a21c931e3
Time Written: 20151209030908.000000-000

Message: License acquisition failure details.
Time Written: 20151209030908.000000-000

Message: License Activation (slui.exe) failed with the following error code:
Command-line arguments:
Time Written: 20151209030908.000000-000

I ran the RW Everything program but I'm not really tech savvy enough to find the MSDM tab is seems, I'm sorry :(
OK, the poblem is your key is blocked.

Sequence of events:
2015/12/08 : Installation
2015/12/09 : Activation failed due to blocked key
2015/12/16 : 2x Attempts to install invalid key

Suggest contact the seller for a genuine key.

Regards the RW Everything report - it should look like this if there is an OEM key - I suspect not though
I have windows 8 on a Dell Inspiron laptop.
I tried to do a Dell Restore but now I can't activate Windows.
It won't accept my OEM Windows key.
Windows 8 came with my laptop.

Running WDT it says invalid licence but I bought the laptop legally.
I also get the error 0xc0000022 sometimes.

I started the Software Protection Service before running WDT but after WDT it had stopped for an unknown reason.

I ran WDT and got this result:

Windows Diagnostic Information

Tool Version: 6.2.9200.16384
Licensing Status: Unlicenced
Licensing Status Reason: 0xC004F014
Local Genuine State: Invalid Licence
Local Genuine Result P: 0
Last Online Genuine Result:
Grace Time Minutes: 0
Total Grace Days: 0
Validity Expiration:
Active Partial Product Key: M4DHT
Active Product Key Pid2: 00179-60240-27497-AAOEM
O S Version: 6.2.9200.2.00010300.0.0.101
Product Name: Windows 8
Processor Architecture: x64
Edition Id: Core
Build Lab: 9200.win8_rtm.120725-1247
Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time(GMT-05:00)
Active Sku Id:
Active Sku Description:
Product Uniqueness Groups:
Active Product Key P Key Id:
Active Product Key Pid Ex: 05426-01796-024-027497-02-4105-9200.0000-2962012
Active Product Key Channel: OEM:DM
Active Volume Customer Pid:
Offline Installation Id:
Domain Joined: false
Computer Sid: S-1-5-21-2888928341-1759600752-2764383063
Product L C I D: 1033
User L C I D: 1033
System L C I D: 1033
Service Available: false
Oem Marker Version: 0x00020001
Oem Id: DELL
Oem Table Id: QA09
Manufacturer: Dell Inc.
Model: Dell System Inspiron 7720
Install Date: 20121022192218.000000-240
Result: PASS
Tampered Items:
Server Props: 0xc0000022

****** Errors from Event Log *****
Message: The Software Protection service failed to start. 0x80070005
Time Written: : 20160101195018.000000-000
Message: The Software Protection service failed to start. 0x80070005
Time Written: : 20160101194946.000000-000
Message: The Software Protection service failed to start. 0x80070005
etc. Software Protection service failed to start.

running slmgr dlv gave me this:
Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.8
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Error: 0xC0000022 On a computer running Microsoft Windows non-core edition, run 'slui.exe 0x2a 0xC0000022' to display the error text.
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hey i have read though these comments trying to figure it out but its only confused me more so i'm just going to ask for help. lol i bought my laptop used its a gateway it was originally a windows 8 but whoever had it updated to a windows 8.1 pro now it says i need to activate windows and need a product key.. HELP PLEASE!!!!
Hi Superfly,

I was wondering if you could help me out...
a while ago i reinstalled windows because my laptop was getting slow.
After reinstalling i immediately got the message to upgrade to windows 8.1 (from windows 8) and so i did.
Now it's asking me to activate but it doesn't work.

Here is my diagnostic report:

Windows Diagnostic Information

Tool Version: 6.3.9600.16384
Licensing Status: Unlicenced
Licensing Status Reason: 0xC004F014
Local Genuine State: Invalid Licence
Local Genuine Result P: 0
Last Online Genuine Result:
Grace Time Minutes: 0
Total Grace Days: 0
Validity Expiration:
Active Partial Product Key: TFYQ6
Active Product Key Pid2: 00179-60920-68049-AAOEM
O S Version: 6.3.9600.2.00010300.0.0.101
Product Name: Windows 8.1
Processor Architecture: x64
Edition Id: Core
Build Lab: 9600.winblue_ltsb.151230-0600
Time Zone: W. Europe Standard Time(GMT+01:00)
Active Sku Id:
Active Sku Description:
Product Uniqueness Groups:
Active Product Key P Key Id:
Active Product Key Pid Ex: 55041-01796-092-068049-02-1033-9200.0000-0162016
Active Product Key Channel: OEM:DM
Active Volume Customer Pid:
Offline Installation Id:
Domain Joined: false
Computer Sid: S-1-5-21-2719103505-1331642196-2283733554
Product L C I D: 1033
User L C I D: 1043
System L C I D: 1033
Service Available: false
Oem Marker Version:
Oem Id:
Oem Table Id:
Manufacturer: Acer
Model: Aspire V3-772
Install Date: 20160116190839.000000+060
Tampered Items: C:\WINDOWS\system32\slwga.dll;C:\WINDOWS\system32\sppc.dll;C:\WINDOWS\system32\en-US\sppc.dll.mui;C:\WINDOWS\system32\sppcext.dll;C:\WINDOWS\system32\en-US\sppcext.dll.mui;C:\WINDOWS\system32\slc.dll;C:\WINDOWS\system32\en-US\slc.dll.mui;C:\WINDOWS\system32\slcext.dll;C:\WINDOWS\system32\en-US\slcext.dll.mui;C:\WINDOWS\system32\slui.exe;C:\WINDOWS\system32\en-US\slui.exe.mui;C:\WINDOWS\system32\sppcomapi.dll;C:\WINDOWS\system32\en-US\sppcomapi.dll.mui;C:\WINDOWS\system32\SppExtComObj.exe;C:\WINDOWS\system32\en-US\sppsvc.exe.mui;C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\slwga.dll;C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\sppc.dll;C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\en-US\sppc.dll.mui;C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\sppcext.dll;C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\en-US\sppcext.dll.mui;C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\slc.dll;C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\en-US\slc.dll.mui;C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\slcext.dll;C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\en-US\slcext.dll.mui;
Server Props: 0xc0000022

Created by Superfly for EightForums & TenForums
Hi Lazlow

Seems your upgrade to Win 8.1 did not execute correctly and a few files did nor install properly thus the 'tampered files' and 'service not available' errors. The upgrade process is flaky and best to do a clean install.

The best advice I can offer is to re-install Win 8.1 using an iso download to make sure that the media is complete ( I think the media creator download tool checks the integrity after downloading).
Hi guys. I have an HP 2000 laptop with native Win8 Core. On Factory Reset, it will not activate, saying the key is blocked. I called MS and they said it was an HP problem. I called HP and they want $200-300 to fix it.

I installed Win8.1 fresh on a blank drive to make sure it isn't an image problem: same result.

ShowKeyPlus reports:

ShowKeyPlus - Windows Product Key Information
Product Name: Windows 8.1
Product ID: 00179-60948-25345-AAOEM
Installed Key: *****-*****-*****-*****-G6JYG
OEM Key: *****-*****-*****-*****-G6JYG
OEM Edition: Win 8 RTM Core OEM:DM

I fault HP on this, but the machine is 4 yrs old and they won't own the problem. Is there any solution? Thanks.

Edit: and here is the Diag report:

Windows Diagnostic Information
Tool Version: 6.3.9600.16384
Licensing Status: In Notification
Licensing Status Reason: 0xC004F009
Local Genuine State: Invalid Licence
Local Genuine Result P: 0
Last Online Genuine Result:
Grace Time Minutes: 0
Total Grace Days: 0
Validity Expiration:
Active Partial Product Key: G6JYG
Active Product Key Pid2: 00179-60948-25345-AAOEM
O S Version: 6.3.9600.2.00010300.0.0.101
Product Name: Windows 8.1
Processor Architecture: x64
Edition Id: Core
Build Lab: 9600.winblue_r4.141028-1500
Time Zone: Pacific Standard Time(GMT-08:00)
Active Sku Id: 9e4b231b-3e45-41f4-967f-c914f178b6ac
Active Sku Description: Windows(R) Operating System, OEM_DM channel
Product Uniqueness Groups: 55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f
Active Product Key P Key Id: 9fa03465-47c6-9ab6-29f3-f741e86037cf
Active Product Key Pid Ex: 06401-01796-094-825345-02-1033-9600.0000-0612017
Active Product Key Channel: OEM:DM
Active Volume Customer Pid:
Offline Installation Id: 112477605702639513633100879087543448720436509660457696412458323
Domain Joined: false
Computer Sid: S-1-5-21-1916554343-597822081-3086036688
Product L C I D: 1033
User L C I D: 1033
System L C I D: 1033
Service Available: true
Oem Marker Version:
Oem Id:
Oem Table Id:
Manufacturer: Hewlett-Packard
Model: HP 2000 Notebook PC
Install Date: 20170302072732.000000-480
Result: PASS
Tampered Items:
Server Props: 0xc004f200
****** Errors from Event Log *****
Message: License Activation (slui.exe) failed with the following error code:
Command-line arguments:
Time Written: : 20170302155936.000000-000
Message: Acquisition of End User License failed. hr=0xC004C003
Sku Id=9e4b231b-3e45-41f4-967f-c914f178b6ac
Time Written: : 20170302155936.000000-000
Message: License acquisition failure details.
Time Written: : 20170302155936.000000-000
Message: Acquisition of End User License failed. hr=0xC004C003
Sku Id=9e4b231b-3e45-41f4-967f-c914f178b6ac
Time Written: : 20170302155935.000000-000
Message: License acquisition failure details.
Time Written: : 20170302155935.000000-000
Message: Acquisition of End User License failed. hr=0xC004C003
Sku Id=9e4b231b-3e45-41f4-967f-c914f178b6ac
Time Written: : 20170302154504.000000-000
Message: License acquisition failure details.
Time Written: : 20170302154504.000000-000
Message: Acquisition of End User License failed. hr=0xC004C003
Sku Id=9e4b231b-3e45-41f4-967f-c914f178b6ac
Time Written: : 20170302154432.000000-000
Message: License acquisition failure details.
Time Written: : 20170302154432.000000-000
Message: License Activation (slui.exe) failed with the following error code:
Command-line arguments:
Time Written: : 20170302152753.000000-000
Message: Acquisition of End User License failed. hr=0xC004C003
Sku Id=9e4b231b-3e45-41f4-967f-c914f178b6ac
Time Written: : 20170302152751.000000-000
Message: License acquisition failure details.
Time Written: : 20170302152751.000000-000
Created by Superfly for EightForums & TenForums
Hi Paul

Yup, that key is blocked... how it happened is the problem...

It could have been installed on multiple PC's.... or the hardware has changed significantly on the current machine.
Thanks, Superfly. The first sounds like a manufacturing error? The second I can't attest to, as I just bought the machine (in as-is condition). The only thing I can add is that the machine was really wrecked, like I've seldom seen. One rear corner was entirely broken off, top and bottom, and the palmrest near the touchpad had an outbound impact crack, which I can't figure out. Perhaps the impact broke something on the MB, which otherwise is performing perfectly?

I've never seen this problem before. IAC I'm going to part the machine out and sell the MB as-is.
