PdfXchange Editor use local Manual


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Pro User
Hi. I'm hoping someone uses PdfXchange Editor and knows the trick to get F1 to use the local manual file instead of going onto the web.

It has a Help subdirectory. Copying the manual there does nothing. Also I see no setting in Preferences or anything in the online FAQ.
They have a PDF manual. If it hasn't been installed automatically you can get it by using Live Update feature.

Of course it won't load under F1 but it's definitely local ;)
I have the manual. I guess I need to make an ahk script paragraph to detect the program as the active window and open the manual pdf when I press F1. Clunky but that's how macros are. :)
For any ahk script lovers using PdfXChange Editor

Change the path as necessary. Also I renamed the pdf manual "help.pdf".
If it doesn't find the file it passes on the F1 to bring up help in the browser

Just add the paragraph below to your general purpose ahk script

; PdfXChange Editor
#IfWinActive #IfWinActive ahk_class PXE:{C5309AD3-73E4-4707-B1E1-2940D8AF3B9D}
  If FileExist("C:\Program Files\Tracker Software\PDF Editor\Help\help.pdf")
    Run,"C:\Program Files\Tracker Software\PDF Editor\Help\help.pdf"
    Send {F1}

Edit: I changed the #IfWinActive to use the class for the window to get away from the title changing with the active document.