Solved Outlook Email Security Certificate Error


Pro User
Since Monday this week I am seeing this message several times a day. I've no idea where in the chain it originates, or even whether its a Microsoft issue or something else.


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Something I have tried after a bit of research, changing the address of the problem page. I have Outlook as the first (home page) of one of three tabs that open with IE. I copy and pasted the address from the browser header into notepad for reference and then accessed Outlook via the link from Bings page. Again I copy and pasted the address and compared the two. Different ! So I have now set IE up to use the 'new' address. I'll keep you posted ;)
Mmm, I don't understand how you've still got a green (EV) address bar with a padlock, if it's saying there's a certificate mismatch? Odd.

Anyway, the next time it happens click on 'View Certificate'. The name on the certificate should match the name that's in the address bar of your browser. The two main places you're looking is the CN (Common Name) in 'Subject' and DNS Names in 'Subject Alternative Name'.

In the below screenshot you can see the name in the address bar matches one of the ones in the 'Subject Alternative Name' on the SSL/TLS certificate.


And here's what it should look like for the Preview version of Outlook[.]com. Again, the name in the address bar matches one of the ones in the 'Subject Alternative Name' on the SSL/TLS certificate.

ARC, thanks very much for such a detailed post, you've gone to a lot of trouble with that :)

Edit... and the forum won't let me rep you.

I'm not seeing anything outlook related in the certificate but I'm pretty sure I've found the culprit. It seems to be one of the ads on the sidebar at the right, one for a Beko Dishwasher. If I click 'do not accept' then the ad doesn't show. If I accept then it does. Now I have IE set to delete temp files on closing and so when I come back the same thing happens. I can keep refreshing the outlook page and as soon as its the Beko ad's turn the error message pops up.

Apart from clicking 'I don't like this ad' there doesn't seem to be any way to give feedback.


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There's nothing you can do about this your end, as the problem is at Microsoft's end.

In Outlook[.]com, click the cog in the top right, then go to Feedback > 'Something is broken'. I'd try reporting it there and see if they respond.

Thanks again. I've just reported it as you suggest. Not really expecting a call from Richmond (edit... or Redmond even) but hey, you never know :) Lets hope they correct it or pull it.
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Just to report that the problem hasn't appeared once today (and neither has that ad). Coincidence its been pulled ? Well it would be nice to think not...