

New Member
Pittsburgh Pa
I don't know why but I am having some problems with outlook and they are becoming more frequent. Right now if I use online radio & outlook it goes into a loop and I can't get out and the screen freezes. Other times it's like it is on a timer and the mail just closes. Right now I can't switch users.

Anyone else having problems

I am assuming you having trouble accessing your email from outlook.com?

What browser are you using? Internet Explorer 11; Firefox 35, Chrome 40

Have you tried clearing the cache from your browser.

According to the status on Microsoft site, it is working fine
Service Status - Microsoft services
I am assuming you having trouble accessing your email from outlook.com?

What browser are you using? Internet Explorer 11; Firefox 35, Chrome 40

Have you tried clearing the cache from your browser.

According to the status on Microsoft site, it is working fine
Service Status - Microsoft services
I use IE11

I have cleared the cache

Microsoft status can change at any time

sometimes I get scripting messages

maybe outlook drops IP connection after certain time
I don't know. There could be a number of reasons that could cause this problem.
What I know is that Outlook.com Servers don't drop the connection after certain time.

I mostly use Outlook.com via a email client like Outlook 2013 or Windows Mail Store app.

Like you said things happen at certain times. There is currently no major outages or problems at this time.
Also strange is that you mentioned Scripting messages

Could you make a screenshot of that message and make sure to crop it so we only see the message to prevent any personal info to the public.