IMO LMiller7 has the right idea, since Win 7, 8, & 10, the OS is pretty smart and does a descent job of cleaning up after itself, pretty much making 3rd party cleaners/optimizers unnecessary, maybe even slightly dangerous should you go crazy and let the app run wild - essentially thinking for you.
I don't know, maybe running portable apps that don't gum up the registry, stores settings locally might be a nice alternative to many modern installers that decide my app is the most important app you need, places shortcuts everywhere, starts with Windows, auto updates, installs a process, on and on.
It also wouldn't hurt to have a backup ready so when the OS becomes sluggish and needs attention, restoring to a point before the problem might be better than running a bunch of tools that don't deal very well with malware etc... a clean backup created before an infection will run better than an OS that gets the once over from some tool, likely missing many things problematic to an old install.
Of course, these are only my thoughts, we all need to implement a plan of attack that we deem best, yet be respectful of others who offer an alternative.