Solved Open PDF File From Win8.1 32 Bit DOS Command Line Prompt

Tom Yuhas

New Member
I need to be able to open PDF files from Win 8 32 bit DOS Command Line to complete a DOS macro for a document management database I've used for 20+ years.

On XP Systems I simply have macro grab file name from database and type >Start "Path\filename.pdf"

Does Windows 8.1 have a similar capability? I'm using ClassicShell.

I understand that Start now opens another instance of cmd, but is there a work around to launch PDFs from command prompt and hand back control to DOS after file is open?

Thank you,
It works for me if I call the program and pass it the PDF to open:

start "C:\Program Files (x86)\Foxit Software\Foxit Reader\FoxitReader.exe" ""C:\Program Files (x86)\Foxit Software\Foxit Reader\stamps\en_us\Sign Here\Accepted.pdf""
Echo PDF is open and batch file has control back

WHen I run the above batch file, the PDF opens and if I leave it open and switch to teh Command Prompt windows I see the Echo output indicating it got control back.
I can duplicate your batch file call but it will only launch from windows, not from command line prompt.

In other words, I created batch file following your instructions, but batch file will not launch pdf from command line c:\batch1.bat call.

Am I missing something?

Thank you.

I found my problem -- I'm using WordPerfect Shell DOS command to try to run batch file (or launch file directly as I was able to in the past with XP platform).

As you correctly pointed out, I can launch any windows program directly from Win8 cmd command prompt -- so I now have a work around.

Thank you very much for your help.
