I would like that if I select multiple .url files in (windows file) explorer and right click "open", that chrome opens all those internet shortcuts (.url file with web page adress .html in it) .
It would be great if I could do it with drag&drop as well.
Right now only one url is opened.
I registerd portable chrome as default browser
I aslo tried to change the shell open comand to "%1" %* but only the first url from the .html file (internet shortcut) is passed. It seems like explorer only passes one ??
Also Drag&Drop to IE or chrome wont open more than one of the .url shortcuts.
It would be great if I could do it with drag&drop as well.
Right now only one url is opened.
I registerd portable chrome as default browser
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"ApplicationDescription"="Google__Chrome__Portable ist ein Webbrowser, der Webseiten und Apps in Sekundenschnelle lädt und dabei äußerst stabil und nutzerfreundlich ist. Dank des integrierten Malware- und Phishing-Schutzes können Sie bedenkenlos im Internet surfen."
"ReinstallCommand"="\"D:\\sources\\chrome\\PortableGoogleChrome\\Chrome\\chrome.exe\" --make-default-browser"
"HideIconsCommand"="\"D:\\sources\\chrome\\PortableGoogleChrome\\Chrome\\chrome.exe\" --hide-icons"
"ShowIconsCommand"="\"D:\\sources\\chrome\\PortableGoogleChrome\\Chrome\\chrome.exe\" --show-icons"
@="\"D:\\sources\\chrome\\PortableGoogleChrome\\chrome\\chrome.exe\" -- \"%1\""
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
@="\"D:\\sources\\chrome\\PortableGoogleChrome\\chrome\\chrome.exe\" \"%1\" %*"
Also Drag&Drop to IE or chrome wont open more than one of the .url shortcuts.
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